Seems pretty generous to me. Think of all the reasonable conditions he did not impose:
- must use an environmentally friendly saw, i.e. no gasoline engines allowed.
- applicant must show purchase of credits to offset the carbon produced when burning the wood removed.
- tree owner gets right of refusal for the design of any furniture crafted from this fine wood.
- any power tools used must be no louder than the broccoli growing in my adjacent garden.
- appearance and grooming of the tree workers is important. If my teen age daughter does not think that you are attractive enough, you will not be allowed.
- any tree cutters acknowledging or responding to the advances of my teenage daughter will have to leave immediately, and restore the tree to the condition in which it was found.
- all work must be completed between the hours of 10AM and 1PM, but stop during my lunch, or if I decide to take a nap.
- applicants should offer to cut my lawn for the next 2 years as a demonstration of gratitude.
- tree roots down to 1/4 inch diameter must be removed without disturbing the soil above.
Any others?