John Paul Sanborn
Above average climber
Current ANSI states that the tree worker shall not be attached to the laded crane unless the responible person deams it to be the only safe way to work.
The tree worker shall not ride the hook but must be attached to the boom or cable above the ball. Hendrickson TCOC did a demo with a neat twist. The used a clevis on top of the ballwith a friction save running through a biner that was run throught he clevis locking pin. The climber attaches to the FS to rid the cable up to attache slings and then runs down, reties the climbinmg line to the tree for the cut.
The tree worker shall not ride the hook but must be attached to the boom or cable above the ball. Hendrickson TCOC did a demo with a neat twist. The used a clevis on top of the ballwith a friction save running through a biner that was run throught he clevis locking pin. The climber attaches to the FS to rid the cable up to attache slings and then runs down, reties the climbinmg line to the tree for the cut.