Asking for money early, tip the hand; unless crane needed such and such a huge deposit or something to setup i think.
i think there is enough blame to go around; mostly to operator. Operator look like he mighta been working blind unless crane not set right; my first move is to cut green and gain eye contact at every station. Climber might not be full aware what the crane will do stretched out, crane operator should. Both the operator and the climber, or boss should clear each other in some way.
i agree it could have been outriggers/pads not set properly/zeroed; anymore ours don't run without outriggers out and zeroed; pads is another story. That much stretch boom had to be low angle/high leverage, but crane left straight path thru house and boom is only bent to shape of ground after. The other factor that might have saved the day, if boom itself didn't fail, is counter weight on far end of crane than boom i think; but pads on the boom (compression) side are essential as they would inherit the boom load and the counter pull of weight on loading.
i think of rigging from above with a trees architecture as supports, as fixed boom rigging; converse to, but also comparable too; moving boom of crane. The same lean to load i might fear in a crane, transfers directly to tree loading factors in the fixed, not pure vertical boom sense of a support of tree used,a nd double loaded at closed angle of non-frictional redirect(pulley).
i 'd imagine 'bout any climber cutting a limb and having it and 100' of boom crash thru the tree and house ; banging ground- would respond by coming down soon as stuff stopped shaking and making sure all parts are functional of self and nylon highway before descent to change britches and contemplate just what could have happened; in the real worse case scenario. i'd imagine the workday was done anyway, rope could be considered evidence.