Critters living in the tree's?

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ive brought three litters to the animal hospital myself. and 1 single pinky got tossed into the chipper. ( i didnt want to but what was i going to do?)

usually i try to put their nest back together and put them back in another tree or in a box near where the tree was.

the box trick worked the balls for a family of flying squirrels. the next day they were no longer there so i am going to believe that the mother came and got them and not that i packed a lunch for some one a little further up the food chain.

same goes for bird nests. i feel bad enough that i am giving them an eviction notice so i try to help , within reason.
My brother and I have different feelings when it comes to the critters. Since we get into squirrels ( and their cutesy little offspring ) all the time we always come to a head about what to do with them. I'm not one to try and take them home and neither is he so THAT'S off the table but he generally thinks it's best to gather 'em up and put them out of sight while I try to dispose of them as quickly as possible. I figure after a long fall to the ground and being handled by human hands there's not much chance of them surviving or being rescued by their mother. Best to put 'em out their misery. What are your guys thoughts on this?

I found a half staved baby gray squirrel the other day. I tried to feed it but I think it might of gotten into some poison or something. The thing was just flopping around. He met the but end of a log at the end of the day. It was the best thing.

On the other hand a few years ago I found a baby gray squirrel that was being harassed at my shop. I put him in a box and gave it to my parents. My mother nursed him back to health and he became a pet for a summer. It came back for years after that sometimes for good some for bad. One day they were on vacation and it come down the chimney. It tore up the curtains and made a mess of my fathers office.
The other day I was 15' up a silver maple when I saw a 2' tall hawk fly into the yard. It sat on the top of a wood pile and watched me as I watched it until it flew off. When I came down and dismantling my gear it flew it flew back past the woodpile landed in the woods and resumed up into a tree on a branch. It was eating a snake which it held in its claw. I tried to watch it fly off again but it out lasted me. I left first. I think it has a nest in the yard bordering the woods. I have found feathers below a small tulip tree and I can barely make out a dark spot what I think is a nest. If anyone knows anything about hawks and their territorial habits I would love to know. There is a lot of work at this property and I don't want to have to fight off this bird to do it.
This over a possum? And coming from "Wolverine Marine"? Anyone else see a certain irony, lol.

Dude..I've been shot at numerous times when I was in Iraq and didnt have the pucker factor when I saw that nasty critter..LMAO When I was over there..I expected to see what I saw..last thing on my mind going up a tree was some little bit of hissing devils spawn getting an atittude with me..just one of the perks of the job I suppose..keeps ya on ur toes..LOL
Wolverine, you will appreciate this story... I came home late, around 3am and heard rustling near the garage so grabbed my headlight and switched it to redlight and stealthily approached a young opossum. They are blind! I was inches away from him breathing and moving quietly watching him forage for grubs in the leaves. I crept back into the house and put a little PB on some bread and put it near him. As soon as the smell hit him he was drooling and he was very cautious about his movements. I think he could sense I was around. I got to thinking about his strong sense of smell and carefully tried an idea that really surprised me. I exhaled towards him, not even strong enough to blow out a candle but when I did he took off like a shot! I came out later that morning and he had come back for that PB though! All I can say is up close they have a face only a mother can love! As for tree top discoveries... I have very good friends in my ground guys especially after dropping a limb with a HUGE (think: beachball) sized Hornets nest right into their laps. They could have just left me and called it a day right after the insect explosion! I bought dinner and brews that night. We still laugh about it!