Customer vs. Oak Wilt

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OW is a problem that I haven't had to deal with. There have been no reported cases so far in my county, and few in East Texas, though the Hill Country is infested with it.
you all see? as the thread continues that "do it or someone else will" craps turns to lawers and paperwork. I agree. If you can do something right and sleep at night, do it. But if you are doing something sub-standard back yourself or don't do it.
Is there an internet site that outlines the major Oak Wilt demographics?
Oak wilt is spreading through Michigan at a fast rate.When we go in to remove even a dead oak we have the land owner sign a release form that holds are company or are insurance company responsible for oak wilt.Oak wilt is also spread through the roots from one tree to another.So if you have a dead tree the one next to it could be infected also.We also have them sign the same form for trimming or the removal of a live oak.The form reads OAK WILT RELEASE it goes on to tell how it spreads .When they read the release form 9 out 10 wont sign.The best part about it is you dont end up in court and the land owner is happy also.

Rick Helsel
Try redwoods without gaffs you will have along day ahead of you. We use spikes in redwoods to prune, and limb all day long never a problem. I can see not using them in smaller oaks that are easier to climb, but I know plent of guys who prune, and wear gaffs, just depends on the tree, but just because somebody uses gaffs doesnt mean they dont know what they are doing.
A release isn't worth much when it comes down to it. You can't sign away your responsibility to work according to industry standards, anymore than you can sign away your responsibility if you do anything illegal.

"Hey you, I'll pay you to go rob that bank, just sign this release and you aren't responsible."

So do your best to clean your tools (alcohol or bleach), avoid wounding during the growing season, and paint any wounds if they occur during the growing season.
Hey Mike, when looking at the map, how does oak wilt manage to stop dead on the Wisconsin-Illinois border? Is the pathogen expected to move south? It looks like a dark cloud hovering over our head here in northern Illinois.
TreemanFJR - We have several clients south of Lake Geneva in Walworth County that have/had oak wilt on their property. In fact Walworth Co. has a lot of oak wilt. I find it odd that the map shows none in IL. Years ago when I was in SE MO there was quite a bit of oak wilt. I would believe there is oak wilt in IL. Perhaps no one has ever identified it as such.
I just cleaned up a white oak today that had been "pruned" about ten years ago by a dumb-a and believe it or not I could still see the scars from the gaffs in the trunk. THis idiot cut the top ten feet off the trunk and the tree now has three new growth limbs growing out of the top of the center stalk. Not much you can do with that! To be able to right a wrong like that would be a wonderful thing.. All you guys talking about prunning, I would love to do more of it, but where I live there is way more in straight removals than anything else. The ignorance in the tree pruning industry seems to be centered right where I live! Topping is everywhere, gaffing live trees, slicing large limbs with no respect for the proper times of year or possibility of infections.
Makes sense mike, I just got up here in northern illinois yesterday, and Ive already seen a row of trees with oak wilt. I'm in Mchenry county, its the second county from the east in the northern most counties. Thanks for looking that map up!

I'd like to use the "Customer vs Oak Wilt" thread in the magazine.

Okay to use your comments???

Thanks, Jim.