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Tighten rear first.
Tighten rear first.
Yepp definitely, so this wood should be milled instead of turned into firewood shouldn't it?
Although it seems like it would make for some great burning wood.
Ahh yes, Motion Lotion has been on my list of things to get. The biodegradable kinda in fact.
Long story short about that chain, its been discussed here before, is that I have no idea what caused it. When it was new it fit snug. The saw made it into the hands of several inexperienced people who cut crooked and forced the bar to try to cut straight and causing the chain to throw. One guy even bent a drive link really bad. Don't ask me how. Anyways I think that chain went through a lot of inexperienced people, I am sure it stretched and was bent. For some odd reason it would no longer stay snug. I ended up tossing it as it was throwing all the time. Just plain dangerous. I have not had any trouble with a chain since I've added new chains.
The saw I used for cutting that maple down was a Husky 359 XP. Great saw but I would like just a little more power
I was about to go buy a Stihl 046 but I ran out of money. I really want to own a stihl cause of all the hype and talk about them. Although I am very interested in the Husky 372XPG.
I'll buy some chaps.