Am I like the only person that doesn't take notice or care as to what forum they're in?
Love the country setting,with the Victorian style house. Very similar to my parents house but with three dorm windows.
Thanks for sharing. You're very
Here comes the not so pleasant part..The educational part, we all go through.
The constructive criticism.
Its easier to not know and take it than have to drop your face through chain of command as been a certified faller dosen't give me free rein to fall on many jobs. Its like a're only as good as your last fight. I know QSTs(certifiers) that have given me competency audits for almost 10 yrs and I have worked for a few directly, gone to their house to watch the fights/the game but there's no free bees.
Many of THEMcouldn't do the very job they're teaching to a high level and thats hard to take.
Especially for $1000 to $1200 many make contract daily. There's those that teach and those that do.
I couldn't understand what you were saying about the hole in your plan in regards to your two spotters.
Bottom line is you have no excuse what so ever,the onus is on you 100%.
Your'e the faller, falling on a public right of way. You control your falling zone and environment 100%! If you had a near miss then I'd stop blaming others and wake up. You didn't exercise due diligence and neither did the land owner
as I'm assuming you aren't insured? Neglagance causing death/wrongful death for both I'd imagine.
This action here^^ (not the guy on the bike) is why Canada;for sure,have safety rules and certifications. (Trained flaggers ect)
My fallers compo ia 8.63 % here.
There?.. I bid on work in Alaska first in '94
And then found out compo was 30% so guys would co-op, have all workers part owners So nobody had insurance.
I heard guys talk about 38% on here.
Thats a mess! Sad for the honest safety conscious man down there.
Some may think I'm harsh? Maybe they would see it different if it was there grandchild getting trailered behind that bike by their daughter. Or just a youth under 12? Is the 9 year old stupid?
Tell that to these guys and the courts after you killed their child? You not only didn't think before you cut,you didn't think before you talked this time guy. Poor choices.
A haven't even got to the falling of the tree yet. Which is ONLY 1/3 of falling.
The other 2/3 is going about the falling.

On a positive note; 'going about the falling of the tree.
-you discussed it with someone with more experience
-you took extra saftey precautions so you felt comfortable for your safety.
So thats possitive
Oh cheer up
We learn through pain, let it be someone else's accident we learn through Because thats what it is,a trend.