I have a grandfather that heats his garage with wood and he has a fairly small stove, don't know what kind. Well he does not have any wood right now, probably thinking it would be warm by now like the rest of us. Well I figured I would take him some of ours since he does stuff for us quite a bit.
The thing is our wood is cut to 20" and I know his stove will not be able to take a piece that big. I am sure he can take a bigger piece than that but I figured it would be better to cut them in half rather than have a real short piece and a longer piece. And we really don't have any trees to cut up right now, even if we did the wood would be to wet to burn now. What would be the best way to cut the 20" wood in half? Maybe take a ratchet strap and tie down several pieces on a table of platform? I am trying to think of a quick and easy way to do this. I really did not want to have to building anything although it may be worth it in the long run.