Danger on the wood splitter

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AS Supporting Member
Jan 20, 2009
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Splitting wood yesterday, and had an incident. I searched this forum for similar experiences but didn't find any, so here goes. I was splitting a 14" post oak that had several knots. I had split it in half, then started the ram again to make smaller pieces when BAM! the split piece exploded and hit me in the jaw/mouth. I didn't go down, but it jacked my lower jaw and split my lower lip and bruised my chin. Didn't lose any teeth, but two are pretty sensitive today. Went to the ER but doc elected to let the inside of my lip heal as the inside of the mouth is very fast-healing. In hindsight that was a good idea as it has largely sealed over and I can eat again. But how often do you see a violent separation like that? A logger's helmet face screen (which I wear when cutting) wouldn't have helped much. And standing anywhere else I couldn't have operated the valve easily. Don't want to do that again--any suggestions?
I was splitting a dry eucalypt round a while back & it "popped" apart & hit me in the chest with such force it sent me flying & knocked the wind out of me pretty good.
I tend to split with 1 hand hovering over the log to provide a bit of protection... technique & the condition of your splitter can play a significant part in how the wood acts when splitting too
But how often do you see a violent separation like that?

On my vertical wood axe with Ozzie hard woods its rare but enuff to keep in mind the energy that 20 plus ton ram axe generates,,, when log goes bang! & ejects a chunk into my meat n nuts :(

Don't want to do that again--any suggestions?
Not much, recognizing logs and knots that have potential to go bang! helps reduce but no guarantee