I like that...no accidents just incidents. It isn't always true though. Well I drive a truck most of the time and today I just saw a horrific accident when I was on my route. If I was another 1/2 mile further down the line, I could have been killed, and there is nothing that I did to be involved and little I could ahve done to get out of the way. If i was a half mile further than that, I would never have seen it. So I was reminded that the single most risky thing all of us do on a daily basis is get behind the wheel of a car or truck, and you can die in any profession. Just like driving, and maybe even more so, working on trees and/or with a chainsaw there is no time to take a mental holiday. So the bottom line is, I think if you work carefully and use good sense you can be safe in the trees, but stuff happens. Life is uncertain.