Faster horses, younger women, and more money. I can't say yay or nay. I'm not in your shoes. I know you've told us before, but I forget, how old are you, how much does this work mean to your lively hood? I'm 61, I only need about 10 cord. I load my trailer up Monday, split and stack Tuesday and Wednesday. Mow two, one acre yards Thursday and two more Friday. I'm almost up to my 10 cord so I can take off any M,T,W I want. I know enough tree guys I could have ten cord a week free, don't want it, don't need it. But if your ten years younger than me, you've got the hustle left in you to do it. It physically pains me to think you have to pay to do hard work. When I was at UPS, management would cry that our profit margin dropped a quarter of 1 percent, but our market share went up by 4 percent. That's an incredible amount of money on several billion dollars. Is your net income going up or are you doing twice the work, with a nicer machine to break even. Before I made the deal, I'd be contacting every tree guy with in 20 miles, telling them you had a straight in and out spot and would take all you can get of good wood. Just put as much effort into new sources as your are in the one good guy you have. Firewood was zero percent of our company profits, because my Dad gave all the wood that came to the yard to me. I can't believe this guy is putting the squeeze on you. Dad retired in 86 and his last full year in business he grossed about $800,000. If we sold 100 cord @ $100 per cord, that would have been $10,000. What the heck is $10, 000 when you are making almost a million bucks a year. Now, we never sold that much wood. The most I ever sold was about 30 cord. But the firewood, the necessary evil, added up to nothing compared to the real work we did. I'm trying to be civil, and see things through your eyes. Me, I'd tell him to hire 4 or 5 illegals to process his wood and keep it for his greedy self. Processing the wood himself would cost more than he makes on it. His machine is a nice little machine, not a processor. It's too labor intensive for him to make anything on it. It wouldn't be for me, but it may be for you. It may work, but not for me, Joe.
split half Tuesday