ArboristSite Lurker
I have several (presumably root-grafted) elms within a hundred foot diameter, a few of which are showing concerning signs (e.g., leaves flagging in summer, branches apparently dying off).

Someone who I think knows trees suggested it's DED based on markings in this image at 4-5 o'clock, 7-8 and 10-11 o'clock:

Is it? (Sorry about the quality of the shot: I think some of the brown patches in the middle are "skid marks" from the saw.)
I’m not sure how to discern the cambium from other layers, but here are a few more cross-sections from branches:

If it is DED, should I remove infected branches, perhaps cutting the trunk down to below whatever staining is visible? Or should I remove the tree and attempt to pull up the roots, as they're a vector to nearby elms?
Another possibility maybe worth mentioning: I've seen Armillaria mushrooms fruiting not 200' from this location. I don't know that they could cause this pathology, but they might exacerbate it.
Thanks for any help!

Someone who I think knows trees suggested it's DED based on markings in this image at 4-5 o'clock, 7-8 and 10-11 o'clock:

Is it? (Sorry about the quality of the shot: I think some of the brown patches in the middle are "skid marks" from the saw.)
I’m not sure how to discern the cambium from other layers, but here are a few more cross-sections from branches:

If it is DED, should I remove infected branches, perhaps cutting the trunk down to below whatever staining is visible? Or should I remove the tree and attempt to pull up the roots, as they're a vector to nearby elms?
Another possibility maybe worth mentioning: I've seen Armillaria mushrooms fruiting not 200' from this location. I don't know that they could cause this pathology, but they might exacerbate it.
Thanks for any help!