O.K. Quakheads, what am I doing wrong. I did a major Muffler mod on the 38cc Earthquake, increasing its outlet area about 15 times what it was. It starts and revs great with the H&L set at around 1/1/2. When you put it to wood it won't cut at all. I have adjusted the L to 3 out and the H to 3 1/4. It cuts great, four strokes out of the cut and you can lean on it and it has incredible power for such a little saw. I cut a large ash with these settings last week and even noodled a large round. Today I attacked a 24" plus downed old oak. I thought I must have mad a mistake counting my turns out, so I did it again starting at 1 1/2 and ending up at 3 and 3 1/2, same results. I now have around 10 tanks of mix thru the little Quake, the plug is a nice light grey color, no tan at all, I am running Husky synthetic low smoke at 50-1. Have any of you had this kind of radical carb settings after modding a quake or any other little saw? This thing sound and cuts great. Any ideas or comments?
View attachment 294391ts?
O.K. Quakheads, what am I doing wrong. I did a major Muffler mod on the 38cc Earthquake, increasing its outlet area about 15 times what it was. It starts and revs great with the H&L set at around 1/1/2. When you put it to wood it won't cut at all. I have adjusted the L to 3 out and the H to 3 1/4. It cuts great, four strokes out of the cut and you can lean on it and it has incredible power for such a little saw. I cut a large ash with these settings last week and even noodled a large round. Today I attacked a 24" plus downed old oak. I thought I must have mad a mistake counting my turns out, so I did it again starting at 1 1/2 and ending up at 3 and 3 1/2, same results. I now have around 10 tanks of mix thru the little Quake, the plug is a nice light grey color, no tan at all, I am running Husky synthetic low smoke at 50-1. Have any of you had this kind of radical carb settings after modding a quake or any other little saw? This thing sound and cuts great. Any ideas or comments?
View attachment 294391ts?
O.K. Quakheads, what am I doing wrong. I did a major Muffler mod on the 38cc Earthquake, increasing its outlet area about 15 times what it was. It starts and revs great with the H&L set at around 1/1/2. When you put it to wood it won't cut at all. I have adjusted the L to 3 out and the H to 3 1/4. It cuts great, four strokes out of the cut and you can lean on it and it has incredible power for such a little saw. I cut a large ash with these settings last week and even noodled a large round. Today I attacked a 24" plus downed old oak. I thought I must have mad a mistake counting my turns out, so I did it again starting at 1 1/2 and ending up at 3 and 3 1/2, same results. I now have around 10 tanks of mix thru the little Quake, the plug is a nice light grey color, no tan at all, I am running Husky synthetic low smoke at 50-1. Have any of you had this kind of radical carb settings after modding a quake or any other little saw? This thing sound and cuts great. Any ideas or comments?
View attachment 294391
Would that Earthquake saw be the same as " Kraft Quelle m52" that is marketed by saying its similar to Stihl ms440 ?
View attachment 294580
Have you put it in the wood at those settings or just run it in the shop. Mine started and sounded great at those settings after my mod but when I put it to the wood it needed something else.:msp_mellow:
Little post MM video... sounds reallllll nice...
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/TcKELbmL-qc?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Now just gotta find my long reach torx drivers so I can play some more inside it. Was worried I had actually opened the muff too much, but it seems to like it.
here it is, post-porting and in some dry doug-fir...
Sorry, no porting pics, but I have enough aluminum shavings to cast a new one probably!:hmm3grin2orange:
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kYSbxcwhS1U?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Still stock chain, but I'm impressed!
After I dulled my stock chain I put on a loop of non safety full chisel "Laser" chain. With that my Muff modded quake cuts Ash as fast or faster than you ported saw with stock chain cuting fir. Try a loop of good chain and let that little bugger show its stuff.:hmm3grin2orange:
Nice sounding saw also...
so do these earthquakes come with accelerator pump carbs like the redmax gz400/4000?
not sure. but somebody here must have had one of these carbs apart.:hmm3grin2orange:
will you guys let this thread die,,, its making me want another earthquake but I can't afford one right now