dissecting an earthquake chainsaw

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quake is the one I was asking about, how radical is your mm?

pretty radical.... I knocked a big hole thru the middle plate, same size in the front of the muffler, and also opened the deflector considerably. I'll get pics next time I dive into it. Almost straight shot out the front from the port.
that sounds a lot like mine, left the cat in place and just bypass it. Do you remember what you had to do to the carb settings? Mine seem to be turned way out, like 3 or 4 turns for H & L. just to make it run...and the plug isn't very dark even after todays work out, but it is synthetic oil....

Honestly I haven't fattened it up yet. It actually almost seems rich still as is. I have yet to put it into wood, so don't really know for sure. I'm running synthetic blend oil (echo powerblend), same as in the rest of my saws.
I had a pretty good size ash tree attack my fence. I thought it would be a good chance to see what my little quake is made of. I bought several of these things last year but I have not had a chance to use one. I did a severe MM on this one and it has a large bark for such a little saw. I had a hard time getting the carb dialed in, I couldn't believe how many turns out I had to go with the H&L, probably due to my MM. I was amazed by this thing. The stock chain cut most of this tree before the dirt got to it. It required zero adjustment and oiled well. I ran 5 tanks of mix thru it. When I changed to a new chain to finish cutting the big rounds I was having so much fun I couldn't stop. I can't believe how hard I can lean on this thing with a sharp chain. Since the bar is only 16 inches and the tree was around 20 I had to cut from both sides.
Then I just had to noodle one. I cut them around 18 inches long so I had to work from both ends. This thing blows me away. I actually don't have an excuse to own any other saw. Some guy asked about a trail bike maintenance saw and I suggested one of these and got some heat for it. After using it today, I am convinced this would be just about perfect. This little saw can eat some wood and does it in a hurry. This is one of the most satisfying saws I have ever used.
sorry about the pic quality, lousy cell phone, didn't have a camera with me.

My God man, that's a 20" tree - you need at least a 24" bar and 100cc!

I have two saws I save for my dirty cutting work when I don't want to use my better saws (yes I know even my better saws are junk), the Earthquake and my ported 42cc Craftsman. The thing is, they end up getting a lot more time on them because a lot of what I end up cutting is dirty junk, especially this time of year trying to clean things up after the storms from last fall and winter. So I've been running the Earthquake quite a lot, and I really like it. I'm very happy with the mods as I have it (and the tuning) and won't be changing a thing, it's a sweet little saw with a lot of guts. These little RedMax designs are great saws.

Mine takes some effort to pull over too. I don't know what the compression is as I don't have a gauge. The bore on mine has a small scratch on the lower part, that does not extend all the way up. It's probably reducing compression a little bit at low rpms, but I doubt it does much when the revs are up. I'll have to look at the pulley diameter - that would be the only thing that would change the mechanical advantage when pulling.
Cut the muffler crip off and gut the muffler then weld the muffler back together :msp_wink:

Make the exhaust exit to the muffler a little bigger than the cylinder side of the muffler :msp_thumbup:
By the way, I have to point out that Bailey's still has the Tiger branded bar and chain specials listed in their new flyer. It's a 16" 56DL bar and WoodlandPro non-safety chain for $13 - a pretty good combination for the Earthquake. I really like that chain too. I bought three sets so far - you can't even buy a chain for that locally. I considered getting another 57DL loop for the original bar, but since I needed to place an order anyway this just made more sense.
By the way, I have to point out that Bailey's still has the Tiger branded bar and chain specials listed in their new flyer. It's a 16" 56DL bar and WoodlandPro non-safety chain for $13 - a pretty good combination for the Earthquake. I really like that chain too. I bought three sets so far - you can't even buy a chain for that locally. I considered getting another 57DL loop for the original bar, but since I needed to place an order anyway this just made more sense.

What mount are their bars???

has anyone managed to wear out a quake yet? Running it over doesn't count.:cool2:

I've put about dozen tanks of fuel thru one of mine this year and let other people use it more than once the only thing that is bad on HUSKYQUAKE is the chain after it hit a staple in a fence post and yes it needs a new chain
well I think these quakes can't be that bad at all. I used mine hard for firewood and actually mounted it on the mini mill but took it off right away because there was no where near enough power. I leant it to my grandpa for topping some tree's and firewood. he burned something like 15-20 tanks through it alone. just for sh!@# and giggles i'm gonna try get some footage of that quake topping tree's even if I have to go out of my way. he is done but i'm sure more will come. my grandpa is an old logger so pretty well makes tree projects for himself because it's what he likes to do. at 74 yrs old you would be amazed. he still does it better then a lot of the younger guys. I'm gonna need another quake as I have given him mine :( he really wanted it so I figured what the hell. he has given me many saws before :D
well I think these quakes can't be that bad at all. I used mine hard for firewood and actually mounted it on the mini mill but took it off right away because there was no where near enough power. I leant it to my grandpa for topping some tree's and firewood. he burned something like 15-20 tanks through it alone. just for sh!@# and giggles i'm gonna try get some footage of that quake topping tree's even if I have to go out of my way. he is done but i'm sure more will come. my grandpa is an old logger so pretty well makes tree projects for himself because it's what he likes to do. at 74 yrs old you would be amazed. he still does it better then a lot of the younger guys. I'm gonna need another quake as I have given him mine :( he really wanted it so I figured what the hell. he has given me many saws before :D

The new leader :msp_smile:

Oh; the barn is empty but a parts saw and HUSKYQUAKE
I just keep using it, I guess because of the novelty, and it just keeps doing everything well. It all works, and after using it a while, and having really gone over the plastic to remove the flashing and removed the grossest stickers, the fit and finish looks fine. Cold start is pump the purge bulb 10 times, choke it and it always fires on the second pull. Push the choke off and it starts on the third. Warm start even after sitting a bit is usually one pull. Bar oiling is just enough.

I'm doing a lot of clearing small stuff and cleaning up junk - so much down from Sandy, and much of it tangled in all these new invasive vines we've gotten in the last few years, plush briars and grape vines. It's great for that since it's so light, but it's equally at home cutting full bar. It goes a long time on its tiny tank, so it must be decently efficient even though it's not a strato.

I know it's not stock and would not have run like this as I got it, but darn it is a nice saw - pretty much identical to using my MS4018 (GZ4000 clone).
I just finish to read all 144 pages....He took me 2 days....Conclusion??? I don't need a Quake, I don't even own a wood stove but I want one badly! (The Ausi version looks amazing...)

Problem is....the only "small" 2 strokes engine I mist with was RC one and an old Toro 3hp single phase snow thrower. Well I did TBO's on Rotax 503 but you can't have fun with those....:msp_wink:

This is a fun and friendly thread, It's was a real joy to read, I see nothing to be a shame off! Indeed all my big "Toys" are US, Canadian and UK made (I will never buy a lathe or milling import from China) but having fun missing with cheap like dirt chainsaw...Why not!

Don't know if it's gone be a Quake since it's no easy to find for cheap in "Crapnada" but I have a drop point in US...So I find a way to get a nice Orange one ...:msp_rolleyes: