Brian B.
ArboristSite Operative
Thanks for the reply, guy that was so gung ho about my pp5020 now wants to re neg, people re a trip.
I wouldn't spend that much on Chinese saw specially a bigger one the quality just isn't there. You guys may disagree with me but This little Quaker is a toy in my book. It lacks quality I usually pride myself in owning with my tools. I'd rather have a piss pounded old husky or stihl or jonny off of CL for that kind of money. Something that was made and designed with pride.
Just ordered another 45 for $48 and change shipped ...... CRAP - but at least it's still cheaper than drugs or cigarettes.
Well, we'll test the holiday shipping speeds and handling quality..... The way these things are packed, it will likely truly be "for parts only".
I agree with everything you said, I probably went a little over board on the toy comment but it still how I feel. The quake is a good design that's the only reason it's getting the attention it's received. I'm sick of over priced Chinese crap tools that don't work or break every time I'm force to use one. it all comes down to paying full price for a Chinese saw which I think most would probably not do.Yep, you are right - I disagree. But we can disagree and still be friends. I think these "toys" are going to cut a BUNCH of firewood.
These saws have their purpose and that purpose is NOT to be compared feature-to-feature and built-point to build-point with a professional saw - or even a high end urban warrior saw. For the market they are intended for, they are better than one usually encounters, and that is why we like them. It's a cheap build of a good design, which in my book anyway, is better than a cheap build of a poor design. Plus, they seem to last reasonably well.
Would I pay the asking price for a new one? Nope. But as long as they are selling "parts saws" that are practically brand new for these prices - I'm in all day long.
Go Quakes!
I'm misunderstanding your post- they DID charge you for shipping?
I think I am going to grab a couple of the 45cc saws, just for the sake of having them. Has anyone sat these beside a redmax, or tried any parts interchangeability? Sorry if its been answered, I haven't read the quake thread from front to back, but have read most of it. I have a Redmax g5000 (similar to the 450) and would be tickled if the parts were the same. No doubt in my mind these are the best deal going right now, I bought three of the 38cc saws and was very happy about it.