What's this can't afford nonsense?All your doing is buying a bar and chain and getting a free saw that blows North of 180psi stock right out of the box. I tested one earlier that blew 192 psi. and it's never cut anything or worn the rings in yet. No wonder they start and run so well
That kind of compression is crazy for stock! I pulled the muffler to get a closer look at the cylinder - yep, still a base gasket in there. I'm sure I could crank it to well over 200 psi if I wanted to remove the gasket and open the ports a bit while I'm in there. The muffler is restrictive. I haven't even started it and already have the muffler apart for some re-plumbing. I think for now all I will do is a good muffler mod and change the rim to .325. Some careful tuning and it ought to be a solid little saw.
I've mentioned this before, but thought I'd mention again about the guy who bought a 41 cc Quake from me several months back. I talked to him again today, it's still starting and running like a top. He's rough on equipment. Leaves stuff out in the rain, his mix might be 16:1 or 60:1, used motor oil for the bar oil, gets his saws pinched and then jerks 'em loose, that kind of stuff. He told me when no other saw will run the little Quake will fire right up and take off. He said it cuts faster than his neighbors 40 - 45 cc Husky's, but not as stout as his 032 Stihl.
I've already told the wife what I want for Christmas - another 45 cc toy. Dang oh ate eff one fiddy! He started all this mess!