That thing was definitely glowing. You may want to put a spark arrester on that thing?
I also picked up one of these a couple of months ago just for giggles. I wound up getting a 41 cc Earthquake and the nearly identical Power Horse. Both of them were used and not in running condition but the price was right and I wanted something cheap to play with. Both needed fuel lines and a carb rebuild. The Earthquake had 155 psi and the Power Horse had almost 200! Neither one may hold up for very long, only time will tell, but the little Power Horse absolutely rips with a 16" b/c and a muffler mod. I was VERY surprised at how well it ran. I put two tanks through it as fast as I could and it ran like a champ.
The fit and finish on both of them leaves a little to be desired, but the A/V is pretty good. Both of these were well-used when I got them, so maybe they'll last for a while. I think some port work is in order just to see what they are capable of.
what is so funny,, after i did this thread he sold bunches of them,, so i wonder how many off AS bought 1 just for the heck of it
I did :msp_smile:
And after i'm done with it (modding it) it will be my loaner saw
$50 that's alot cheaper then what my nephew did to one of the saw's that in my barn right now (straight gassed it)
How many times have a member here went out and spent $50 on ONE dinner for two ?
$50 isn't even a night out for two; dinner and a movie $50
C'mon saw geeks, its easy to see the echo in it...
How did you take the baffles out?, pliers and bent it all up then removed through the port opening? was it a good improvement, worth trying?, I have a very similar 52cc unit, different brand and carb ( these are made per request by a couple chinese companies, they all share parts and the biggest differences are in the OEM request colors and branding... )
Mine has a copied walbro carb but no prime bulb, which makes it quite hard to start compared to that redmax where you can start it off the first pull every time, then again that one has a real walbro in it. (Any tips on making it easier to start?)
No decomp valve and no prime bulb... bad combination for me, at least it's got good compression - for now - heheh
They may be #### but at least you can play and learn with them!
Was it worth the hassle at all?
Got my 38cc viper powered earth trembler today. I ran right out to the wood pile after I realized that it ran....fired on the 2nd pull started on the first! WOW for forty bucks. Cut super slow on a sharp chain and got caught up a little but with finesse it is a runner!
It had never seen wood and looked brand new. Cant wait to pull the muffler after it cools down...i think it is a double d adjustment on the carb...gotta order a tool. I like this saw it works well for a little guy and will make the woodshark that my buddy has tremble with fear!
Yep; I can feel a Earthquake coming to the PNW at any time now :msp_wink: