I got my second Earthquake today. No premix oil, but there was a scrench, bar, chain and scabbard. The engine turned over easily, so I put the bar/chain on it, gassed it up and it fired on the third pull.
I had a pallet I wanted to cut up, so I went out to the firewood area to cut it up. Just like my first EQ, this saw did not want to rev. In fact, as others have posted, some of these saws almost stall if you pin the throttle (and if they don't stall, it takes a good 1-2 seconds to spool up). I'm sure the L is set way too lean. Once it spooled up, the H side sounded good: it 4 stroked out of the cut and once in the cut (granted it was just a pallet!) it cleaned up and pulled well.
My first EQ is being put back together after a MM, removal of base gasket, slight exhaust port widening, intake/exhaust port adjustment (to restore port timing following base gasket removal) and slotting the jets.
These are fun saws to play with!