I run 660swell get a couple of earthquakes and see how interesting it can get
don't really care!Not all of thread was on the Earthquake chainsaw some was about ####
I run 660swell get a couple of earthquakes and see how interesting it can get
don't really care!Not all of thread was on the Earthquake chainsaw some was about ####
So you read 60 pages of crap about a saw you're not interested in? You need a hobby - maybe knitting?I
What exactly is misfit island? And to answer anyway, 60 some pages on an absolute piece of crap saw makes Ted a dull boy...
I run 660s
don't really care!
You need a hobby.So you read 60 pages of crap about a saw you're not interested in? You need a hobby - maybe knitting?
You, need a hobbyi don't run a 660 but i do run a 372xp,,346xp,, ms170 and 250 and several earthquakes,,,, listen,, this thread is just for fun and thats what it has been,, a lot of fun,, i started this thread so throw me under the bus because it wouldn't be the first time
And YOU, need a hobby.I liked this post just to unlike it!
Don't care about this thread? Too much of a snob? I don't think anyone cares for your opinion on this anyway...
You need a hobby.
You, need a hobby
And YOU, need a hobby.
I think I made one or two comments on this thread... So you can all go screw something... Make it a hobby infact!
listen,, this thread is just for fun and thats what it has been,, a lot of fun,,
You give a 660 too much credit.You don't know where the Island of Misfit toys is?
A little hint, its not where your big ol MS 660 is......
Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
So now you troll a thread you have no interest in? Lame...really lame. Unsubscribe already...
Exactly right. Fun. It's okay to have fun. Nobody is taking all of this too seriously but they're learning a few things...and having fun.
Most people are anyway.
Had you replaced the word fun with the word money I'd be all ears!
Had you replaced the word fun with the word money I'd be all ears!
What exactly is misfit island? And to answer anyway, 60 some pages on an absolute piece of crap saw makes Ted a dull boy...
Why is it,no matter what thread you're on, what site you're on, some tight-#*$, whiny, I have no life or friends, sad sack, has to get their panties in a wad and pee on everyone's parade? If you think the thread's stupid, why are you here? Post you're negativity on another site.![]()