dissecting an earthquake chainsaw

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Fourteen! You could have almost bought an MS261 for that!


I already have a MS 261 LOL


SHHH don't tell anyone; but most of my MS 461 was founded buy selling Earthquake chain saws :)
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I got one, and only one....just to play with, for fun, a joke. I'm not disappointed at all with the saw...for what it is...a cheaper knock-off of a cheap saw :p
What would I pay for one? No more than the $40 I spent. I got my $'s worth, no complaints at all. However...when I cut for real I use my Stihls and Huskies, 'nuf said.
The EQ would take at least 3x the amount of time to cut a cord...probably more.
don't you guys have anything better to do then sitting on this stupid thread:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
ok,, lets be serious guys,, for 40.00 for a cheap saw it sounds almost hands down there is not to much bad about these things,,, i have topped and limbed way over 40 trees with mine,, mine has paid for itself many times over, and the ones i did sell i made good money,,, and yes i would buy another one if the price is right,, would i give over 100 for it,, no,,, 50.00 would be pushing it but i would buy another one,, the only thing i found that i don't like is if you are holding it clutch side down it will run out of fuel when running,,, that is because the fuel filter is sitting at the fuel cap,, i haven't had a chance to figure how to move it
I would say that $100 price tag for one of these saws new would be a screaming deal for a homeowner. That would be if it ran without any fuss right out of the box. If I needed a saw I would be thrilled to get one of this quality in that price range. If you could guarantee parts availability for a reasonable amount of time I would say maybe even $150. Parts availability is the limiting factor for me. IMHO it is a much better saw than a wild thing but you can go to almost any OPE outlet that sells Poulan and buy parts for the wild thing. I guess the problem is that most homeowners won't appreciate the split crank case with removable cylinder and adjustable oiler nor would they appreciate the strato design of the of the wild thing. For what they sell for retail I would say the WT is probably a better choice. If it just didnt come with that silly 18"bar.

For my purpose, not needing a saw in any way shape or form, $50 would be the most I would pay for one. Heck, I only paid $100 for my GZ400. If the EQ were a copy of the GZ rather than the G series of saws then I would be all over them at $80-100 that they are selling for on ebay now. If I needed a saw...which I dont...I don't think...
I bought my earhquake, had problems with the seller as I posted earlier. I finally got the saw. I put the bar and chain on, fueled and oiled the saw. Cut 3 cookies, set it on the shelf for 3 weeks. Sold it today that was the life of my earthquake. Ho hum its done.
I bought my earhquake, had problems with the seller as I posted earlier. I finally got the saw. I put the bar and chain on, fueled and oiled the saw. Cut 3 cookies, set it on the shelf for 3 weeks. Sold it today that was the life of my earthquake. Ho hum its done.
This was not the most interesting thing I've read on AS......
Another day not working on the Earthquake

Went and bought all new seals; rubber parts; carb kit; filters etc for a 026 and got that running :)
How do we go about getting these?
I really have no idea. It would have been interesting if the Earthquake importers would have brought in the larger saws. I ran across these while I was looking into the larger RedMax G621 saw and also trying to figure out who actually made the Earthquakes. They are clearly making clones of all three basic RedMax chassis, including the G621 which is a saw I find interesting.
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I finally found these things selling for $100 at Princess Auto up here in Canada. For that kind of dough they can keep them. Far better used deals to be had for not much more.
Thanks to a post by DiggersDad, I now have the upgraded chain adjuster on my EQ. Twelve dollars and change with shipping and super easy to install.

Glad you liked that! My big hands have trouble adjusting the screw when it's right next to the bar, so it was money well spent for me. I actually cut wood with the little Quake. It's a sweet little saw all things considered. I'm sort of like 08, I've spent a lot more money putting fuel in it than what I paid for it. No problems yet.

So Quakers - how would you like something a little bigger? Zhongjian tools Manufacture Co.,Ltd. Check out the chain brake handle in the second picture - look familiar? 62cc copy of a RedMax G621AV.

Is TopSun the one who made PowerHorse? I thought the quality on the PowerHorse I had was very close to the EQ.
Anyone have a quick link to those side adjusters, with my new found stainless fastener score and the bad weather, I think I can find time to make a couple.
Hoping to get the Quake out this weekend, getting low on wood.

However, may throw it in the vehicle, as we are expecting ice tomorrow night, could get interesting with all the trees already stressed and weakened from Sandy...