Speaking of the Quake.
Buddies and I got to do some cutting today...
The Quake performed flawlessly. Put around 2 tanks through it, we ended up with 3 loads of wood between us. I think its waking up a little, it was cutting really well today, throwing sawdust like a pro.
Got one truckload of wood split and cut, and decided it was time for lunch. A nice little campfire and roasted hotdogs got us ready for the next loads. Man, those were some of the best hotdogs I've had.. mmmmm...
Cutting up my load, did get it pinched in an overhanging log, and had to get cut out. I and the Quake were grateful though, but the Shindy 500 was ready if it would have really been needed. Never leave home with just one saw...
Afterward though, was thinking I should have taken the 441, as we ran into someone down below us cutting some poplar and hickory. It was probably a good 35" or better, and he had a Husky 450 or 460 buried in it, poor thing was definitely straining. On the plus side, if they do decide its too big, might be something for the 441 to take a whack at...
All in all, a great day of firewood gathering, some good food, and some more time behind the Quake.
Next time will have to take some more pictures though...
(and take a picture before unloading half the truck.
