Rep to you fishercat!!!! hey he`s still posting.....
Regulate tree work- World Wide- make it a felony crime to do tree work with out the proper training-i.e.; ISA Certified Arborist credential! Or come up with a new credential- worldwide acceptance!
I was on a rant, it was better deleted...
Thank you for pointing out my err.
I am dedicated to do my best no matter what, I take this work seriously, I don't try to bleed my clients out of money- I object to business that prey on people, I don't really care if they work in trees or not.
I believe in making money- but not raping people out of it.
I think regulation would be good. to set a standard
I am the same way without regulation. there are already laws against taking advantage of people and it still goes on unless an AG needs press time.
Regulation is not going to stop it.
Carpenters and home contractors are regulated and they are still screwing people over.My GF hired on older man who was a licensed contractor to build a closet. after paying him $900 ,we had to get someone else to come and redo it.Don't even get me started on Home Inspectors.
I just don't understand why we need to pay the government to come in a do nothing even more.The police regulate all of us and we still have crime.The builders are regulated and there are still brand new houses falling apart around here.
When choosing a professional to inspect your trees, Prop says make sure they are state licensed contractors and that they have insurance coverage, with enough umbrella coverage to handle any fatality potential.
So is there already a licence system or is board-certified Master Arborist Robert Props with Props Tree Care not telling the true story?
Someone could sue for a billion dollars if there husband was Donald Trump and he got squished (just an extreme example).
you need an arborist license to take a test ,they take your money and that's it,
you should see some of the "licensed arborists" around here.worst hacks you have ever one comes around to check on these clowns.
i went down to the DEP office who supposedly regulates the licensing. the women there told me they like to compare themselves to the IRS. WTF????????????????