I take care of our local,city owned, golf course. Last time, we had some punkasses trying to hit us with balls, we went over with the super and had a little discussion, they didnt know the super was with me, the told us to F off, Super banned them, lol. Here is the kicker, these idiots where in their 50's and 60s, flippin us off as they left, acting just like my punk ass wannabe gangster nephews, except they where driving Beemers and Caddy!
Then u have the bad golfers who mean no harm, "4
I told the super I need to start charging for being in a combat zone.
We stay on the trails, never touch a green, will cross a fairway if need be, but only go where they tell me I can, never take a chance and deviate from their expectations. A bent grass putting green can cost more than all your equip combined. Have to be cut everyday at heights like 5/32 of a inch. Big freakin money to keep one nice, stay away!