That is not accurate information Blakesmaster but I suppose it happens sometimes. What brought you to the meeting?
Anyway at the risk of being labeled the type you mention above.....and more power if anyone can moderate drugs meant to loosen inhibitions and control.....watched the movie Crazy Heart last night just for the expected music.
Typical story of the Drunk...looses his fam, ruins their lives and many others including his own and his health....sobers up....and all is good (better). If I could only explain all the time lost in my life thinking I was having a good time or going to have a good time and in reality it was just based on the theory of having a good time remembered from way in the past (or tv commercials).
Don't remember maybe even ten percent of the "good times" I had. Domestic fights, street fights, bar fights (once wrote down around a hundred of them), occassional jail involvement, all pretty easily forgotten when it comes to "Miller Time" again.