You could never do this in Collyfornia. The truck would not pass the smog test. Darn shame we have to sell all these great old trucks out of state or to Mexico where the Mexicans drive them back into the USA "on business". You should see the broken down old tour buses the Mexican companies run up here. Thanks NAFTA.
Just curious as to why it wouldn't pass a smog test??
This is basically a 95 with and 85 body. It has all the EPA/emissions of a 95 like the cat, o2 sensors, evap, etc. It is deffinatally a lot more smog friendly than if I were to rebuild the old motor and make the truck as it were back when it was sold in 1985. Why would california have a problem taking an old vehichle and putting in a 10yr newer, more fuel efficcient, more smog friendly motor???