You haven't said how long the pile is. An average length would be good for an estimate. Note that all you are getting on here are
estimates. And you don't need to cut and split it to determine the volume of the wood. You do need to measure because one develops an eye for estimating cords of wood.
Here's how the pros do it. TO DETERMINE THE SCALE OF A LOG.htm
Yes, that is for timber but it is similar. You won't need to take deductions out for defect. Now, in a perfect world is a perfect PNW log truck load with perfect logs. One of our log trucks hauls close to 5000 board feet per load (WAG rounded up). That is around 10 cords. So, if you are concerned, measure (scale) your logs and do the math. There are lots of volume tables on line and I'm sure east coast ones as well.
I passed my scale tape on to Madhatte.