Does this sound like a fair deal

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ArboristSite Lurker
Dec 31, 2007
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I have arranged to haul a barbecue restaurant 150 miles from me for 390.00 a cord about 3 months ago .The guy I got to haul it said he would do it for 180. acord all he does is load it haul and throw it off at there box no stacking. But now he wants me to raise the restaurant to 400.00 or take 10.00 of my end for him to haul it . I have other guys that will haul it and have a few times when my regular guy could not but he just bought a new truck. Should I go with some one else or just take the 10.00 of my end I know the restaurant will pay no higher and they take 120 cords a year . My dad who had a older guy deliver his would to same place for 20 years said I should go to the other guy that will haul for the same price because if I let this guy start to dictate to me how much to charge people then I am in for trouble . I can not get the guy my dad used he turned 82 and like my dad retired 5 years ago
Any opinions on what to do would help
I would fire the hauler

And keep him away from the Barbque owner. as he will be trying to undercut your price next.
The rising cost of fuel is going to put a real crimp in selling wood to a buyer 150 miles away. There is also quite a risk of disease and insect transmission moving firewood that distance. I'm surprised your buyer hasn't found a closer and cheaper source.

+1 Exactly. I'm not sure I follow? 390-180=210. 1. Are you saying that you/re getting $210 a cord just for finding the wood? Or is it 2. your wood, this guy is just hauling it for you at 180 a cord? The way you wrote the post I thought you were hauling a barbeque joint at first?

Anyway, if it's the case #1. Your making out like a bandit already.

If it's #2. I would get myself a truck and get the whole $390 a cord! If you can't do that, ask around and see what you can find. I'm inclined to say that $180 a cord for hauling is pricey and if you've got 120 cord gaurentee, you can find a truck for less. :cheers:
My concern, before I invested in a truck to do my own hauling, is that at some time this Barbeque is going to find a source for its wood that is closer and cuts some of the +$40,000 cost for them. Hard for me to blelieve, even in California, that there isn't a potential for finding a closer source of wood. Not that I am wishing you any bad luck with your present business venture, just sort of defies logic to me.
Thanks for your replies let me try answer some of your questions
#1 There is no risk of disease or insect transmission in this area and in los angeles there is no red oak wood closer only wood yards the charge much more than 390.00 red oak is very limtted in los angeles even the wood yards have a hard time getting enough

#2 Yes I get 210.a cord for cutting splitting it and no I can not haul it my self I WORK by my self with my dad helping a little on splitting AND I don't have have the time to take a day to deliver it for I also have two beach stores and 12 other gas and small super markets that I have to deliver bundles to

Again think you for all your replies
Thanks for your replies let me try answer some of your questions
#1 There is no risk of disease or insect transmission in this area and in los angeles there is no red oak wood closer only wood yards the charge much more than 390.00 red oak is very limtted in los angeles even the wood yards have a hard time getting enough

#2 Yes I get 210.a cord for cutting splitting it and no I can not haul it my self I WORK by my self with my dad helping a little on splitting AND I don't have have the time to take a day to deliver it for I also have two beach stores and 12 other gas and small super markets that I have to deliver bundles to

Again think you for all your replies

Wow 150 miles away to haul a cord ,300 mile around trip.= Big fuel Bill.
I was going to ask you if that Barbecue restaurant was in the desert? 390 dollars a cord sounds like wood shortage in that area.But you may want to get someone else if you want to save the $10.00 bill.
Not that it matters, but how many cord does he haul at a time. If it's just one or two, then he's not getting rich.
I'd pay the guy the extra $10, considering he is likely spending over $100 a round trip on fuel. Doesn't leave much for his 6 or 7+ hours of work and driving.
I'd pay the guy the extra $10, considering he is likely spending over $100 a round trip on fuel. Doesn't leave much for his 6 or 7+ hours of work and driving.

I'm assuming he's hauling quite a few at a go? :monkey:
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So we all understand this, and everyone is on the same page. (I get it)

You own a woodlot wih you're father, you are suppling SEVERAL chains of this BBQ resturant, as well as other buisnesses. ONE of the chains happens to be 150 miles away.
You're prices don't seem out of line with me, around here we can sell Apple fo $600 a cord, and Hickory for around $400 a cord. THEY JUST CAN'T GET THE WOOD! And it all has to be trucked in!!! I even had a guy that was interested in bringing a load of Hickory up to me, just so I would take him out and help him cut a load of Oak. He lived in Texas, no Oak.
So moving past the nonsense, silly questions and the WOW factor of the price:
I think it would be time to try and renegotiate with the chain. "Look, the price of fuel has gone through the roof, I am not going to do this to all the stores, but the ones "X" miles away, I HAVE to add a fuel charge to compensate my drivers."
You determine what "X" is, be it 100 miles or more than that, it's not up to me.
That way they don't feel like they got shafted so bad, you're driver gets what he needs, and won't try and undercut you, and life goes on.
Easy enough solution?
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So we all understand this, and everyone is on the same page. (I get it)

You own a woodlot wih you're father, you are suppling SEVERAL chains of this BBQ resturant, as well as other buisnesses. ONE of the chains happens to be 150 miles away.
You're prices don't seem out of line with me, around here we can sell Apple fo $600 a cord, and Hickory for around $400 a cord. THEY JUST CAN'T GET THE WOOD! And it all has to be trucked in!!! I even had a guy that was interested in bringing a load of Hickory up to me, just so I would take him out and help him cut a load of Oak. He lived in Texas, no Oak.
So moving past the nonsense, silly questions and the WOW factor of the price:
I think it would be time to try and renegotiate with the chain. "Look, the price of fuel has gone through the roof, I am not going to do this to all the stores, but the ones "X" miles away, I HAVE to add a fuel charge to compensate my drivers."
You determine what "X" is, be it 100 miles or more than that, it's not up to me.
That way they don't feel like they got shafted so bad, you're driver gets what he needs, and won't try and undercut you, and life goes on.
Easy enough solution?

is there some special use of the apple and hickory that warrants such a high price?
And keep him away from the Barbque owner. as he will be trying to undercut your price next.
he may be jsut wanting to help pay for his fuel--or as eric stated hes going to take the business away from ya???? really hard to tell----but id be very careful--hope you have some sort of signed contract with them for the wood???
Can the restaurant take 30 yards at a time? If so it might be feasible to buy a dumpster and contract with a refuse company to haul it for you. A cord of wood is 4.75 yards, so you can fit about 6 cords in a 30 yard dumpster. I don't know the cost of trucking, but I assume it is going to be less than $3.60/mile (6 Cords @ $180/cord=$1080/300 miles=$3.60/mile). And I don't know the weight limits of a roll off truck either, but I have seen them filled with wood chips. Wet chips are going to be a lot heavier than dry firewood.

Might work, might not, just an idea.
Delivering to BBQ Restaurant

I have a similar contract with a BBQ place. I wish I could deliver several cords at a time but there is no place to store more than 1.5 cords on site. I truck the wood les than 20 miles and charge 3.10 per cubic foot. This includes stacking. My guys know that I charge them more than residential customers and are happy to pay. They get my best wood cut smaller than average size stove pieces at the specific moisture level range that they are looking for. They also know that there are few suppliers around that operate all year round and can provide the consistancy that they require.

You could also ask for a written contract so that you don't have to worry about getting scooped by your driver or by other competitors.
Hi let try to answer some of the questions for you

#1 He hauls 3 cords at a time all the restaurant will take.

#2 I realize that fuel is going up but he just agreed to this 3 monthes ago. He makes 540. and his fuel only runs 140. so he comes away with 400. for 8 hours of work not bad I think

#3 It hard to find red oak closer the next county is ventura and you can't touch a oak there and the next county is santa barbara I am in the north part of that county you can find oak there but it geting harder and again your back to 150 miles one way 300 round trip

#4 The dumpster CAN ONLY HAUL ABOUT 5 1/2 CORDS I looked in to it the one big problem I have with that is they are hard to get scheduled at the right time it takes 2 or 3 days to pick it up or if it's a weekend I have to wait till the next week which then leaves the restaurant out of wood not good

I know some will say then the restaurant should not mind paying more but they take none seasond wood very big split limb up to 7 inchs across even nots I cut off and they take every thing wood with a lot of rot,termites wood that has been blackend from forest fires it does not matter alot of stuff that you can not sale to homes