Dolmar 421problem

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I would like to take a moment to clarify something here. I am not saying Dolmar/Makita saws are bad saws. I REALLY liked the 421 while it was functioning properly I talked a buddy in to buying one! Hell I bought another one during this fiasco a 5105 and I really like it as well .I think the saws are great performers in there size and price point. My problem is with the customer service I have or have not received .I have just started reaching out to Dolmar/Makita directly I have been relying on my dealer to relay to me their perspective. I will refrain from placing blame until I see how they respond. They however should NOT have let this go on for this long. My first correspondence with them was not very productive . We'll see how it goes as I will be in frequent contact with them until this is resolved . Let the chips fall where they may!!!
For all of you 421 owners out there....
Next time you clean the Air Filter.. Look and see if there appers to be an Air Leak at the bottom of the filter where it fits into the intake.

The wife and I cut up a dead pine. While cleaning the saw I found too much dust inside the intake.

A dab of Bar Grease for the 421.
Great little saw.

421 Update: called Makita rep Said he would not comment on the issue until he spoke with the dealer.He said he would call me later.
Called the dealer he said he was waiting on a call from Makita. He said new leak test indicated leaking crank seal. He said he would call when he hears from Makita rep. That's where we are 33 days w/o my saw!
Just got off the phone with the Makita dealer. He informed me the problem was an air leak in his words "in the case" he said he has instructed the dealer to fix it. He said I should have a working saw by the end of the week. I asked about replacement and he said if it's fixable we fix it. So there you have it 5 weeks and counting the saw is to be fixed by the guy who took 5 weeks to diagnose it.
Just got off the phone with the Makita dealer. He informed me the problem was an air leak in his words "in the case" he said he has instructed the dealer to fix it. He said I should have a working saw by the end of the week. I asked about replacement and he said if it's fixable we fix it. So there you have it 5 weeks and counting the saw is to be fixed by the guy who took 5 weeks to diagnose it.
Wow speechless...
By the way my dealer still hasn't called to tell me what Makita said.
Question for the mechanics here. Since it has allegedly been determined the crank seal has failed , Im thinking one of three things caused this 1 bad seal installed at the factory, 2 not properly installed at the factory or 3 case is out of spec. Where the bearing seats. Is this correct?? Are there any other reasons the seal/bearing would fail???
By the way my dealer still hasn't called to tell me what Makita said.
Question for the mechanics here. Since it has allegedly been determined the crank seal has failed , Im thinking one of three things caused this 1 bad seal installed at the factory, 2 not properly installed at the factory or 3 case is out of spec. Where the bearing seats. Is this correct?? Are there any other reasons the seal/bearing would fail???
4: Ingested a speck of something
5: Random ****
Things happen above 12k. In a case like this I always question my actions first.

Your dealer has no skills, or is lazy. This is obvious.

Or, there's some story missing. It sounds like you're on the path to getting back up and running. Bummer it's not looking like you're going to get the free brand new saw it sounds like you desire.
No story missing that I'm aware of I haven't had possession of the saw since March 1st. It's not that I desire a new saw just worried about damage caused by running the saw with an air leak and hoping it gets put back together properly.