Dolmar 421problem

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I have been in touch with Nate. Bought a saw from him on the 11th we spoke at length on the issue and I'm sure he would take good care of me . He suggested however that I should give my dealer a chance to fix the saw in order to maintain a good relationship . Maybe he doesn't want to get in the middle of this ! Can't blame him really!!
I really thought my dealer would look out for me , maybe since he's a small shop he's at their (Makita) mercy.
i called makita on replacement on that saw, ( i posed as the repair shop). They said they wouldn't replace the saw, that it has to be repaired. So, I guess your shop is going to get some experience. They,re probably not to hip on fixing it. Good luck!!
i called makita on replacement on that saw, ( i posed as the repair shop). They said they wouldn't replace the saw, that it has to be repaired. So, I guess your shop is going to get some experience. They,re probably not to hip on fixing it. Good luck!!
Wow! That could be the kiss of death for me if that gets back to my dealer! Not Cool!!!!
You know it's a damn shame things are how they are today. These big companies don't give a rat ass about the individual consumer it's all about turning that big profit. I mean nothing to Makita they couldn't care less about my saw troubles. They don't really care much about small volume dealers like the father and son shop I am dealing with. Those guys are probably not making much on my repairs and it's taking their time away from more lucrative work. Looking at the Big picture all involved are having a bad day except Makita they throw a few parts at the dealer and pay him a pittance to install them while I am without my equipment. It's not just Makita it's across the board. Sad thing the way the world is today!!
I'd be willing to bet if the shop I'm dealing with sold a couple hundred saws a year Makita would've had a new saw there the first week.
It can be a fine line to dance at times. As I said before they may just be jumping through the hoops that makita has to ensure things are done correctly without excess parts and expenses (which sometimes end up costing more). You could always pose the question this way to your dealer. Sense you (the dealer) is having to invest so many man hours on this saw wouldn't it be more cost effective for makita to just replace it?
It can be a fine line to dance at times. As I said before they may just be jumping through the hoops that makita has to ensure things are done correctly without excess parts and expenses (which sometimes end up costing more). You could always pose the question this way to your dealer. Sense you (the dealer) is having to invest so many man hours on this saw wouldn't it be more cost effective for makita to just replace it?
I did talk to him he said Makita says fix it.I'll call when it's done. I even asked him if he would take the saw in on a trade for a new one. He didn't even reply to that.
You called this you seem pretty sharp!
Let me ask you this . What would cause that seal to go? The saw does not have enough time on it to just wear that out. I don't work on saws but I do work on vehicles and other things . You can throw parts at stuff and make it work but if you don't correct the cause the problems will reoccur. If my dealer replaced the seal and there is an underlying problem I may well be looking at the same issues 6 months or a year from now . Then of course it's out of warranty and all my problem.w hat do I have to look forward to? The hell of it is I can't even sell the saw in good conscience! I don't believe in dumping my problems on some poor unsuspecting soul! BAD carma!
I really think that Makita s motive is keep it going until the warranty has expired! 8 months is all they need.
i would guess the reason your seal failed ( if that is the problem) could be installation mistake or seal flaw to mention a couple. or with that saw could be bearing related. (bearing/seal combo), which make's the repair much more difficult. i should add that bearing related would be unusual. (that sounded scary, lol.)
i would guess the reason your seal failed ( if that is the problem) could be installation mistake or seal flaw to mention a couple. or with that saw could be bearing related. (bearing/seal combo), which make's the repair much more difficult. i should add that bearing related would be unusual. (that sounded scary, lol.)
If that is the problem? Care to elaborate on that statement? I really hope it's not bearings!! If it is there goes another week or more waiting on parts!