Lol, I'm gonna rep you just fer all that hate, right on. I havent made it quite like you yet, I do try to not fall into that trap of badmouthing competitors too much, it makes you look better when you take the high road-even though the customer gave you a golden oppertunity, its allmost like a test imo. It must be raining everywhere, sure are alot of us around today.I had a very good experience with that company but they were unable to do my job in the time-frame I needed, so I decided to give you a shot. Now you have really offended me with what you've said, and I am asking you to leave, right now!" I felt so stupid on the walk back to my truck. I learned my lesson, though.
Leave right now. I would not want to work for some corn ball that came out with some dumb sh!t like that anyway. Leave right now. Give me a break. That is about the gayest thing I have ever heard.
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