I had a miserable nights sleep after my hiccups last night! Tried all the usual crap; holding my breath, tablespoon of sugar etc... After about an hour of it decided to just go for a walk. Got back home in time for about 2 hours sleep before taking out 9 trees today. Could barely keep my eyes open driving the truck home!
There were some great funny responses above though, gave me a laugh! Couple months ago a customer gave us some cans of coke but I can't drink that stuff on a hot day it dehydrates me. So they sat in the cab and got real warm and nobody wanted to drink them. No idea why we just kept them there. Had to stop suddenly for a red light and one of the cans goes flying and lands on something sharp on the floor, kaboooooom! Frickin' coke everywhere. Probably helped wash some of the spilt coffee off the floor ;-)