Don't you hate it when....

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I also hate it when I am plowing and some assface pulls right up behind me ! Then when I look in mirrors they've actually disappeared behind the truck
I had a lady years ago, right on my aas, she could have passed me, but choose to pull right up behind me, I let off the gas, hoping she would go around. She didn't. I had a SnowEx 1025 on the back and it was full. I reached down, hit the blast button and covered her aas in salt. As she passed, she flipped me off!

I hate it when the weather man tells us that we are going to get buried, after we have been buried. So tired of this chit. I am going to buy blades this summer, it means that it will not snow for the next 2-3 years and I am ok with that.
I bought a new SnowDogg plow in 2010 and just did a few piddlin jobs that about half paid it off until now. Reluctantly bought a Snowex spreader this year for about $15 hun, as we were just spreading with a walk behind. They are both paying off this year in spades. I think I have dropped over a hundred bags of 50 pounders. Some of these days are just too fkn cold to do tree work. Way worse than ever before and this week is supposed to be the worst.
Some of these days are just too fkn cold to do tree work. Way worse than ever before and this week is supposed to be the worst.
I'm sayin, got work, but me no wanna go. Just all the gear ya gotta wear to stay warm make s ya tired. Then, climbing with it sucks even more. -40 today.
I hate when the weather man says a dusting to an inch and you really get 6" like we did last night so i woke up to 6" more inches of blowing drifting snow.......-25 today

Sent from my Autotune Carb
Some folks prefer cold, some folks prefer hot. There's always the option of moving ;-)

I spent 5 years living in south korea, the temperature in the cities never really drops all that much, but up in the mountains it gets down to -35 with proper snow, 6-10' deep. For the first time in my life I felt I really came alive. Slept out in it a few times in nothing more than a sleeping bag (no tent). Still slept naked. Must be the dutch heritage in me or something. Those memories are among the most vivid of my life. Had a great time climbing mountains and rock climbing over there. Cold fingers was really the only downside, and occasionally wet feet in slushy snow.

Here in aus it's just miserable. Ever summer I look at immigrating somewhere in the northern hemisphere. I absolutely shutdown in the 100+ degree days we have here. Looked into contract climbing in norway, but never made the right connections so it remains a dream. I've often thought of immigrating to the yukon or british columbia. I think the climate would suit me just fine. I wouldn't care if I never saw another day over 65 for the rest of my life.
I have work too but its been way too cold. The last two months we have worked maybe one day a week.
I have work too but its been way too cold. The last two months we have worked maybe one day a week.
This happens
got the omg I just fell Into the chipper lat resort me cord stuck in a crotch .... Well wheels didn't reverse more so just ****** up my machine , I would say check the safety's put in place for your safety so you don't wind up like this guy
Don't you hate it when you've lived in the cold bit of Scotland long enough to like minus temperatures and then move to Australia where one of your house mates (from Darwin) likes opening the windows and doors during the hottest 40+°c week on record.

Sent from my prison cell
Where in aus are you? I can't stand the heat here even though this is where i was born and grew up. The 7 years i spent living overseas in countries that have proper winters were the best years of my life. Worst part about it is that summer is the peak season here! Nov-Dec are absolutely flat out in Sydney.
In Melbourne, Shaun, that was the week before last and I'm glad its rare! Lived in northern Scotland for 8+ years, you can warm yourself up a hell of a lot easier than cool down. My last climbing job the week I left was -17°c high daytime and two feet of snow. Aussie winter is just like a Scottish summer to me :)

Sent from my GT-I9100
The big Vic Ash, Shaun? Yeah they're huge, haven't been up one yet, I'd need to tie all my ropes together!

Sent from my GT-I9100
When you spend all day topping a hedge and at the end of the day the customer wants it taken down another 6"

Also, last week we had a job where my chip truck was blocking half this guy's driveway (very tight spot with little parking). Instead of asking us to move the truck, he backs out his brand new audi a6 into my wheel and messes up his bumper, freaks out, and demands that I pay for it. Turns out he is a defense lawyer!
I've had that first one a few times! My standard hedge quote now includes several disclaimers which I'm careful to walk through with the customer prior to commencing the work! We don't get many hedges and really only do the stuff that's too tall for gardeners when they want to take say, 20' off a 40' leylandii hedge or something.

Sounds like a tough deal with the second one. Have you got full comp insurance?

The money has been pretty much gushing out this month and last and I've wracked up well over $25k in unexpected bills. Most of them were breakdowns. Added an extra $1,000 in tyres this week :-( 3 punctures in 10 days! 2 were on the way out anyhow, but one was a nearly brand new tyre! stepdown converter on the truck crapped itself, taking out the break controller for the chipper. Holiday break was hard on batteries also, both needed replacing.
When you've been up all night plowing and salting, you are ready to go home and your boss sends you out to take care of "one limb" blocking a entrance. The one limb is actually a row of 7 mature river birch covered in 1/4" of ice and split apart. You are also by yourself.