Drilled a hole in my cover to run a K&N filter (pics)

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OEM = parlance for as supplied from the factory (ie “Original Equipment Manufacturer” even though most parts on any thing with a motor are made by someone other than GM or Harley Davidson or Stihl or whoever it is, OEM means “Stihl” if you’re referring to a Stihl saw). Car and moto industry shorthand (sorry)
They are not waterproof.
Funny story, I had a K@N filter on my race quad and noticed water getting into it so I called K@N. They claim the outerwears are water resistant not water proof. I went back to foam filters.
If you leave the saw out in the rain, the filter will be wet and the saw will run like poo.
It's your saw do whatever you like to it but work saws have the air filter under the cover for a reason.
Thanks for letting me know! I’ve raced with them in the rain loads and loads of times but never left a vehicle out overnight in the rain.

Because K&N and outerwears love love love telling people they are totally waterproof. Geez… see all this learning ??? Thanks fella. Guess these old bones needs to haul the saw back into the shop every single when I’m working at my place every night after all…

Luckily where I live in California it only rains about 15 days in a row once a year and then its drought city… (and the mountain lions come down from up the mountain) except El Niño years and then it’s outright madness for however many weeks until it stops. But the mountain lions seem to come out less during the storms. (Not kidding about the mountain lions they’re on my property pretty much every night)