At one time I sold K&N filters (complete line) on my .com website but dropped them a few years ago simply because while they work, they still pass debris to an extent. Only K&N I now have that I use personally is the intake filter on my 10 horse Quincy reciprocating compressor because they fit nicely inside the OEM filter housing and on my F350 Ford diesel pickup truck and it has a K&N cold air intake.
The K&N recharge kits are also pretty expensive so I've switched from them to Bel-Ray filter oil (which changes the filters from red to blue), no issue and the Bel-Ray filter oil is much less expensive as well plus I clean mine with either ZEP purple cleaner or Purple Power in a spritz bottle and I always soak them for a while and then rinse them off carefully under warm water, never pressure wash them as it destroys the 'gauze' media.
K&N's have a huge retail markup on them as well. I run the Red Beard oiled foam air cleaner on my Echo. Problem with it is, it's messy and a PITA to oil but I keep a spare foam (oiled) in a zip lock bag to switch out and I 'O' ringed the stud where the Red Beard filter housing fits on the stud because it will pass fines into the carb. For as much as I use my saws (infrequently) what I use works just fine for me.
K&N filters do have much less restriction than a stock flocked filter, least in my opinion they do but the initial retail cost is pretty steep.
Just my 2 cents, take it or leave it at your discretion.
Every single word of that is a fact. But if you’re willing to do the work man oh man does a giant pod filter make an incredible difference on engines that aren’t breathing enough.
Expensive? You bet. Fifty bucks for the one on this saw. Markup is probably >48 dollars over actual cost.
Messy? Like I said pain in the azz (and like you I keep spares in plastic ziplock bags)
Filtering ability? Yes there’s better… but with the bags on them they do what I need them to do. Without the bags on them in my cars I change oil more often but I’m curious so I’ll check for silica and I’ll find what I find.
PERFORMANCE - my MS462CM was running HOT. Unhealthy hot. I used 4 different filters on it in an attempt to get the saw to breathe more — overheating can be caused by lots of things - it can be remedied lots of ways. The K&N filter is one of the ways I tried. And it works. Quantifiably—measured with a temp sensor. As I posted in another thread I’m also paying ten bucks a gallon to get ethanol free gas… because I suspect the filling stations here are exceeding 15% by a nontrivial amount. Filling stations are required to post whether it’s E10 or E15 or whatever but none of my local filling stations do (nor did they seem to care). I’m informed and believe that some filling stations in California are FAR exceeding 15% ethanol in their gasoline.
But the saw runs like it should now. And for an expensive saw that I want to last a long long time I was NOT willing to burn it out into a premature death because of stupid California corn gas. And going to all this trouble with the K&N… if it makes this saw last as long as my other saws then yes it will be totally worth it.
I’m probably going to be leaving California… they’re making it too hard to live here. I mean… I sure love California. LOVE IT… but “they” are ruining this state. Regulating it beyond reason. Can’t buy the good paint I used to love—they made it illegal last century. Refrigerant for A/C in the cars… the good stuff is illegal. Poisoning the fuel in the name of some misguided idea that they’re supporting corn farmers and alleviating the wars in the Middle East. Gas cans illegal. Non-battery chainsaws are next. And in 2035 any new motor vehicle that isn’t electric will be… illegal to buy or sell.
So yeah K&N filters have a price—not just a monetary one. But for me it’s a price I’m very happy to pay so that my saw lasts a lifetime.
For all you folks out there… I remind you of the rule I try to live by “if it isn’t broken don’t fix it”
But for those of you interested in pod filters… here is some anecdotal data for you.
And I’m still a huge fan of K&N filters. Sure they aren’t for everybody. But man oh man have they made enormous performance benefits to me over the last >30 years.
/rant over
Thanks for all your thoughts fellas. I appreciate it. I’m a big fan of learning, too