Dunninator 385

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Marky Mark

Hell's Kitchen Trapper
Jun 24, 2002
Reaction score
Funky Town
After several phone conversations with Ken Dunn a Husky 385 will be in short order. It will be woods modified. I can't wait to see the box on my front porch. Thanks for your help Ken. John bring yours down when you do you east coast tour. I know this saw rock!!!
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I still think you should have Ken put in a Homelite piston in that new 385. Oh and it seems that you can't joke around on this thread or they'll saw off your post. But you know what they tell you if you can't take a joke? Good luck! Dennis.
Hi Marky Bark, I hope it's ok that Art Martin, Mike Rupley, Dozer Dan, Dennis G and myself help in putting in the figures in your 385. Ken will be installing the 064 piston.
We are all headed over there to Ken's now, I believe John Walker and Rotax Robert will be there as well.

You fergot about moi... I'm catchin' the red eye special on the DC-3, with my new Dremel in tow. If I mess up the jug, I'll just put one on off this saw...should match right up
Hi Rog, that will do the trick, and we need you at Ken's with the dremel. We can all make an impact. I think you are the only arborist, saving Treeclimber 164.5, that doesn't cut summer wood- some are this long and some are that long. Isn't it a relief now that you can put a better show on the ground than you can with all those silly ropes, spurs etc., as though making a career out of the whole ???? thing so as to invoice the customer to the max?
Just a Gypo logger who dislikes most arborists, cause they are monkeys and I want both feet firmly planted on the ground.
Can you imagine having JPS as your boss? I would rather be a leader of fools.
It doesn't really matter what I say here, nor how many beverages I drank, someone will always bail me out.
Rog, just between you and I and the fence post, this site should be called: chainsawnerd.com , arboristsite.com doesn't really project the correct image of those that frequent here, nor is very flattering.
Dennis are you aggitating again? We dont really need your type around here. Didn't we bounce you a time or two before?
I have cut more wood in my sleep than you have in your waking hours.

How 'bout you and me go 1 on 1 on anything you choose. Oh, I'll lose on figuring out what tree is best for veneer and give up a half a second in an 18 inch log with a 372; but this only goes on until I get acclimated.

Just curious, but what about everything else? Care to comment?
Hi Doug, how's it goin' ole buddy? Exceling in several dept., and why wouldn't I, just to name a few.
1: eating sushi
2: tapping
3: making friends
4: jumping into a viper pit and emerging unscathed.
5: collecting rare books.
The only thing you have over me is a man who could have anything he wants, if he wants it , but alas, I am the vagabond and you are the Sentimental Shark.
Pal, John
Doug, I'll put you up some trees that will really take acclimation... and oxygen bottle for that matter, you city slicker.

Hey, look at my new toy...plus I'm adding some goodies, like a 1920x1200 monitor, and 1.6 Centrino chip, plus 2 512 mb memory modules from another source. Wish I'd noticed that the new home Inspiron 8600 uses PC2700 mem when the busines D800 only PC 2100. Otherwise the same laptop. Oh well, too late.. I'm sure the unit will be awesome!

Gyro, sorry about the snoring problem...there is therapy available......but not for disadvantaged scared of heights canuckian loogers.

Rb, the leaf licker

Overcharging?.... only because most of the drop dead gorgeous customers I've had lately declined my trade offers....I'll have to try a different cologne..and maybe a bath.....
Aggitator Masterbator

Ya, they call me the instigator aggitator. John you must be mistaken, they've never bonced me. Just my chain filer bashing buddy. What we have here is failure to comunicate. You know around here, they just don't use the saying [you would'nt make a pimple on a fallers ass] enough anymore. You know what I'm saying. I've cut a lot more than you A, have you ever heard of the Mojave Forest? Thats what I thought! Keep it in the wood. Dennis
Hi Dennis, it's always nice to see your posts. If the truth be known, you have cut more wood in a bucking cut than I could cut in a week, volume wise, but I go after the green gold. My dad Phil is out here now, and it is hard to keep up with him, he cant keep his hands off my 088KD. Was talking to an old friend of yours today, one Ed Heard, who asked me to remember him to you.
Although he talked highly of Tommy and his chains, he said they were pretty pricey. Do you think I could pry a 3/8 050. 60D chain from Tommy with your influence so that I can enter an up and coming race? After all, we are just a bunch of Gypo loggers.
Thanks in advance for the chain Dennis and Tommy.
When I spoke with Kenny He mentioned removing the choke plate, Should I have this done on my new toy. I will be using this saw in my yard just for bucking.
If you want the last bit of power from your saw then take the choke plate out yourself and make some comparisons when you get the saw. That way, if you want to put it back in, you can. For racing purposes, it probably makes the last couple of percent that might win you a race. For what you will probably do with it, the difference will be slight. Now if Ken were there adjusting your saw before every race, it might be worth it.

If you do remove it, make sure that you catch the little ball bearing that is behind the spring that's in there behind the choke plate shaft. Also, you'll want to plug up the shaft holes with JB weld. This will probably make it difficult to reinstall the choke if you get tired of pulling it through half a dozen times with the throttle closed and the ignition off to prime it when it's cold. Either that, or get yourself a little squeeze bottle and squirt some gas in the carb. Don't use starting fluid as this has a tendency to wash the oil film off of the cylinder walls during the first few revolutions after it starts.

My vote is to leave the choke in and have Ken put in an offset key to bump the timing up a few degrees.

Better yet, stop horsing around and have him build you a 3120 and be Dunn with it.
You covered the bases pretty well Doug but I`d like to add one comment. If anyone were to pull the choke, RTV fills the shaft holes nicely and can be removed pretty easily if needed.

After speaking with Kenny lastnite the 385 will begin to take on a new life this coming week. This saw will round out the quiver rather nicely.

After a wonderful moring in court today Pennsylvania Reds will continue to produce eggs and plenty of firewood for all. It took Loop hole Louey and Short order Gary Needleman several hours to state my case and I will start to move ahead with my chicken ranching and firewood biz. The hood had there heads hanging low today and it's a great feeling to know I can make all the noise I want. Since I am in the party mood I'll fire up a nice Blunt at 6:30 am and start to make some Awesome sounds with the Dozerized 357xp.

Christmas was early this year so some of you putzes check your mailboxes. There might be a roller nose around the corner.


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