Tree Freak
I have the 5/8, over here its called polydyne, exactly the same rope.
For repetitive dynamic loading/negative blocking, the stats are far superior to the likes of Double Esterlon and Portland braid. From what I recall the cycles-to-failure favoured the dynasorb by a mile. Other than that I cant see what to gain i.e static loading, those impressive stats wouldn't really come in to play.
Reg, I just gotta tell you this just to tell you this cause it sure is amazing... at least I think so.
I know an old one legged man that could lower twice that weight as what you are sending with an old bollard and a knicked up 16 strand climbing line. And I am not saying just cause he could he should but that is how we did there and there is no argueing with an old one legged man. I am sure you can figure out where his other leg ended up.
I ended up breaking that line when I stuck in one of those steel CMI blocks as a second pulley to redirect a mammoth ash top I was sending out over an above ground pool. I knew the knicks in the rope would catch the side of the steel pulley at that angle but frankly, I was getting sick of that dam rope and resenting have to worry about it I rigged it up and sent it out.
The limb just missed the pool and we got a brand new 16 strand the next day but they didn't fix the half torn bollard strap til after they let me go at the end of the season.
But trust me when i tell you I never seen anybody arc em to the ground scoring a perfect ten everytime using a 16 strand and an bent up antique bollard like that old one legged man... well I am pretty sure I could

Jeez, by the time you got just one of your pulleys set the old one legged man's quietly psychotic brother would be barking " What's taking you so long?!"
Working there I quickly adopted the philosophy of " once I get it on the pulley its your problem, have fun, I know I am"
And when it came to using the weird ass Italian articulating crane they had I really had to put my foot down, I said " I think you have the wrong guy, I don't have the stomach for this ####".
Going back maybe 8 or 9 years when they took me on they asked me how much I thought I was worth. I asked what they paid their top rate climber, they said " 23 with full benfits". I asked for 26 and told them I didn't need benfits and I got it. Some of the other climbers made fun of me ( not loudly though) cause I could get to the top of tree pretty nicely without a set of spikes which came in handy from time to time so they kept me around for a little bit.
hey! Where is the " toot your own horn" smiley?
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