WOW, you're serious. I like it!
I'm curious to know what the flow differences are.
Why don't you just upload them to AS directly instead of using a 3rd party site? With a 3rd party site link, if they change the URL even slightly then the old link is no longer valid and they're gone.I have some updates....but its been a while. Been busy with work, etc. Will try and post them soon.
Anyone know why my pics are no longer showing up? I hosted them on my picasa account.![]()
Those Kawi triples were a hoot. My modded RD400F Yammie is a mini-hoot with expansion chamber exhaust, bored carbs and modded portingHowdy,
I've decided to start a thread to detail the various mods and testing I am doing on my Echo 21cc Trimmer. I know its not a chainsaw, but on the SRM-210 SB model I can put a 10" chainsaw bar attachement on and make it a pole saw. So there!
Basically, I wanted to use this trimmer as a test bed project to prove out my MOTA two stroke engine simulation software in preparation for using it on my much larger, much faster Kawasaki H1 500cc and H2 750cc two-stroke triple motorcycle restrorations. But I do love chainsaws as well. See my other threadsMost of the mods I am making to this trimmer directly apply to the saws, so its worth the effort to document what I am doing.
I will update this thread with pics and data as I have time and make more progress.
For now, some background. I started out with a totally stock, totally reliable, and reasonably well tuned out of the box (I was surprised) Echo trimmer:
Front View:
Back View
Muffler view:
A couple of things right off the bat:
1. It has a fixed jet carb (no real mixture adjustment except Idle speed)
2. It has a very restrictive Catalytic Converter/muffler
I'm there with you, 100%, Nothing like the smell of racing castor oil. When I was 12y/o a neighbor had me race a quarter midget for him. I did well in the stock class and the following year he turned the stock car over to a friend's daughter and built an alcohol-burning, castor in the crankcase, highly modified QM for me that was pretty much always in a power slide around the blacktop oval track. That thing BARKED! I remember the GT380 as well. Nice bike! Ah, memoriesMini-hoot! New vocabulary word!
I used to have a GT380 triple, which was not as “sporting” as the Kawasakis or Yamahas. A quick ride on a buddy’s RD350 (with surprise wheelie) prompted me to try building a set of expansion chambers.
Man, I miss being young and smelling two-stroke exhaust and hanging on for dear life, terrified. Missing that stuff and reading threads like this has prompted me to buy some Klotz BēNOL and run it in my PP333 trimmer. The smell brings at least some of the two-stroke euphoria back. Maybe I need to try some port mods on something too.
This has been a fun read; thanks!
I bet there is no jet adjustment. A lot of these trimmers are using the new awesome rotary valve carb by Zama and they don’t have any adjustments, just throw away and replace. If you’re running more flow that could be a problem. If you’re serious about hp, you should look at a different head unit, or yank the engine off a larger trimmer.FYI, many of those carburetors DO have an adjustable needle. There is only one needle and it is pretty well hidden, but you can make small changes. I have had little luck on those. As soon as you change something and adjust the carb, either the high or low end is not correct. If you find a traditional carb to fit then it might be worthwhile. Some of the handheld blowers use a two-needle carb on this engine, but I have never tried to swap one over. This should be a very interesting thread. There are SCADS of those Echos around, and most of the parts are interchangeable. Once you tell everyone what the best combo is, the prices will skyrocket on Ebay.