Got Sawdust?
Howdy all, my neighbor has a Eeger Beever wood chipper. It looks pretty old, doesn't look like it ever got much grease. Some of the covers are bent up...has a Cummins 4B with a CAV fuel pump. Engine oil was in the add 1 qt territory, couldn't see any coolant down in the radiator. belts are shot, proberly needs knives. he said he might have new belts and knives somewhere...anyways, I don't know much about wood chippers, he says it can take up to 8" pieces and doesn't have a bad thing to say about it. He wants $3500 for it. I'm not sure of a model name/number so I can't look around online for prices...how does that sound for a price? And does anyone here know anything specific I should look for? Thanks!