Stihl Crazy Sponsor
Got a box full of new espian pistons here. Time to take the 152 test to a new level. Have another one here, going either hot woods port or gas race saw for small fair type races.
should have bought an hpi savage:hmm3grin2orange: or an losi lst2:hmm3grin2orange:
Got a box full of new espian pistons here. Time to take the 152 test to a new level. Have another one here, going either hot woods port or gas race saw for small fair type races.
Canadians!! LOL! yeah I hear ya.....hpi is much better for big jumps...tmaxx better for chasing cats & small yorkie type dnt flip over when the cat puts the moves on! Fortunately I discovered chainsaws....gonna sell off all my R/C's for more chainsaws...thats my plan!
See....I knew this guy was pretty smart.....he owns an efco!!:hmm3grin2orange:
You have a whole box...what are you a dealer?
I posted a pic of my 152's but it wont show...just shows a link to it......does anyone know where the how to post pics thread search still wont work ever since the change over.
Stihlcrazy, how do you get the top off the 165? I'm stymied by the choke. I want to richen the mix, so I think I need to break the limiters and do some tuning. My 165 is a work horse without much work (only 3 tanks), but I love it.
PS who's the Canadian dealer; the distributor in la belle province is no help, and the agent for ontario does bugger all; got mine from a guy in Kamloops, who's closed shop, but he got it from Bailey's.
Yes I am a logger/dealer in Nova Scotia. Do I sell here. No. Do I want to sell here. No. My cost here is more than you guys in the US can buy them for at the dealer. I bought my first Efco from Baileys cheaper than I can get them now from my distributer.I buy used parts from Chainsawr.
I do however hope that my posts help Efco dealers that are sponsors either sell product or get customers to at least go into their shops for a look see.
Thanks, SCRemove air filter cover, then the screws that hold the topcover down. The boot from carb comes up thru topcover. Push that down towards the carb. Once it is free from the topcover the cover should pull off. You may have to loosen the carb and roll it to remove the choke rod from the carb. My 165 was very lean. Made it 1/4 turn richer on the low. worked great.
SC....u never said in the beginning of the thread about that 026 video....that thing isnt stock is it? MY 152 smoked a 026 and 028..granted mine had a muff mod...and theirs didnt......i sharpend all 3 saws chains and ran all 3.....mine was simply faster....i had 18"NK set up maybe thats why. So whats up with that stihl?
Its a German made Arctic model. They work better than the standard US built ones. :hmm3grin2orange:
SC....u never said in the beginning of the thread about that 026 video....that thing isnt stock is it? MY 152 smoked a 026 and 028..granted mine had a muff mod...and theirs didnt......i sharpend all 3 saws chains and ran all 3.....mine was simply faster....i had 18"NK set up maybe thats why. So whats up with that stihl?
That isn't a stock 026, it might be a Artic model but it isn't stock. Steve