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New gmo corn thats sprayed with engineered glyphosate I would guess
I agree.Millions of eggs are sold in America every day laid by hens on feed grown via commerical agriculture. You are a rotten guesser and a propagandist.
I am going to agree with Bill and Del on this one. Altho I am 100% against the bio engineered roundup ready crap being sold today. Up until now, I sort of attributed my poor egg production on coop location and olde birds. My coop is well shaded and everybody knows chickens need lots of light for egg production. What has me is the chickens, nor anything else for that matter, will eat the corn. I have corn I have spilled on the ground that the birds just walk by and wont touch, squirrels running all around it and they aint eating it. It been laying there for a couple of weeks now and one would think the mice would have gobbled it up. This may be a grower problem from this one corn grower. I know he has already picked this years crop, so I dont now if testing his corn will provide any clues. I do have a bag of the corn left that I am considering having tested. Dont know where to send it to to have this done. At any rate, I have discontinued buying corn from this grower for now.New gmo corn thats sprayed with engineered glyphosate I would guess
Layers are not good meat birds. I'm kinda concerned with the level of fat you describe in a laying hen. Thats not right. Even in a shaded area they should still get the light cycle they need. Heck my coop is completely shaded till around lunch time. It's not usually a big deal till winter for a back yard flock, especially since you let yours out to roam. It's the coop bound chickens that you need to worry about, no windows and never see the light of day. Yours should have been fine. I give mine zero consideration for light, outside of the windows in the coop. Heck they've spent days in the coop when its rains. Dumb things wouldn't come out in their own accord.I completely switched flocks a couple months back. I only have 3 hens of laying age. They are Black copper marans. I have 1 white leghorn that probably wont start to lay for at least a couple more months, and I have 4 Americanas, that should be close to laying. So I dont expect many eggs. My old flock met the butcher, The meanass rooster was the first bird to meet the plucker. I have never seen birds that carried as much yellow fat as these birds. When gutting, I pulled out handfuls of fat. There where no eggs in their egg tract. The meat was tough and stringy. Wife put one in a pot to make dumplins. I couldnt eat it. Threw the whole pot out. My wife makes the best chicken and dumplins I have ever eaten. She even gets request for her dumplins when we go to family reunions and other pot luck dinners. Only thing I can figure is it had to be the corn I was feeding my birds. I still have one sack left of the corn, I plan on throwing it out to the wildlife, if they will eat it. At any rate I am convinced there is something wrong with this corn.
I tried grinding some up for corn meal when I first bought the corn. Did one small run of meal and didnt like the cornbread made from it so I didnt grind anymore. Fed the meal to the chickens. I guess that should of been a clue as to the quality of the corn. Since my garden is over with for this year, I am letting my birds out during the day. They spend most of their time scratching in the woods around their pen. They also make their daily run up around the house, wife has threaten to start plucking if they ever get on the porch.
It came a real frost last night, with more frost over the next 2 or 3 days, so sometime in the next few days I will be picking my white polific that I planted. There wont be enough to keep the chickens fed for a year. I only planted a few rows with intentions of making corn meal and seed. I am debating planting a larger crop next year, Just got to figure out where I can plant it. I dont have room for a real garden here at the house, much less a field of corn. Blasted deer will wipe out a small field in a couple of nights, and I need to plant it where it wont mix with somebodies elses corn crop.
has the best eggs! cooler temps call for morning breakfasts/brunch....i just picked up a doz yard eggs at my buddie's farm. his chicks still out and about, but egg production down to 2-3 eggs a day ~
Thats how mine were last year. I'd go out and shovel a little path for them in their run, but nope stayed in the coop.Mine won't come out when it snows. Auto door opens/closes at dusk/dawn to a large fenced in area. If the ground is white like it is now you won't see a single print until that snow is gone. Bunch of couch potatoes![]()
I chuckle at the folks that complain about GMO corn. They are not aware we had GMO crops long before the uproar of GMO corn. Any eat Ketchup?The way i see it GMO crops are the way to go considering how the growing environment is these days compared to years past.
Nothing wrong with GMO crops i just disagree over the heavy use of glyphosate on GMO crops.I chuckle at the folks that complain about GMO corn. They are not aware we had GMO crops long before the uproar of GMO corn. Any eat Ketchup?