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My egg production is finally starting to pick up. I am getting about 5 eggs a day from 11 hens. Yesterday I got 7. Looking forward to the day I get 11 eggs. My birds are just 9 months old and Black copper Marans are not the best of layers. I am going to hatch another dozen of something, depends on what breeds I can find local. Thinking about looking for some dominickers. We used to raise them when i was growing up. My BIL has white rocks, good egg layers, easy on the feed and early egg layers, and he owns the incubator, so a easy choice.
We're down to 17 from 32 this summer. Husky dog that got loose took 8 out over summer. Few died from being old, one broke it's leg somehow put that ine down. Still getting 8-12 eggs a day on average fein the rest of them. Much more manageable then the 24+ eggs we were getting a day.
Wife decided she's staying under 20 hens from now on. I told her the 17 we currently have is plenty for our needs.
I have plans to move and slightly modify the coop and run this summer. It's kinda back burner project vs some of the other things I need to do but needs done none the less.
I have 15 brown egg layers, that will be 2 years old pretty soon. They will be getting culled in a month or two. Today I got 9 eggs out of them. Last June I bought 25 straight run Breeze chicks. I butchered 10 roosters in early Dec. so I have 12 hens and 3 roosters. I am averaging 11 eggs a day from them.I never raised Breeze before but from reviews they rank high in flavor. We ate one this week and they do have good flavor to them but only averaged 4 pounds each at 6 months. They are a small bird that lays a medium to large sizes crème colored egg.
I've been averaging 4-5 a day with 7 hens all winter. My coop has no electricity to run any kind of lights or heat. January has been cold and snowy, there has been snow on the ground since Christmas and lots of single digit and some below zero lows. My weather station shows 4 days this month where it broke above freezing. This will be their best year for laying it's all down hill from here.

Meanwhile I've got this guy who is a real feed burner. Should be right around 1 year old now. Buddy found him in the woods behind his house. I figured for sure he'd of taken off long ago as we do not keep our hens penned up. But he hangs around, must like the food and company. Roosts with the hens every night.


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