Electric companies

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ArboristSite Operative
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Redford, Michigan
I see alot of posts that talke about getting the power company to shut off lines and take lines down. I have a question. My girlfriends grandma lives down the street from me and in her backyard she has a big Ash tree. We have the problem with the Emerald Ash Borer so the tree died last spring or atleast it was noticeble then. However, the tip top limbs of the ash are on a significant lean twoards the top primaries. They are way to small to get up to them. SO do you think that a call to the power company will get them out there to atleast take the tops of the ash out so I can take the rest of the tree out before it gets so brittle? Have any of you had to do this. My dad has kind of put it off because he is so busy with other jobs but he now wants to get ahold of the power company like I said before it gets to dangerous becasue it is in a spot that a crane can't get to. The top limbs aren't within the ten foot clearance of the line but the top lean on them where it is so small is slightly over them. Do you think they would come out there for this?

Thanks guys for your input.
first find out what the specs. for your elec co. are, down my way the utility will if the base of the tree is within a certain distance provide the home owner with a safety trim gettin the tree below the pwr lines. believe me if its 23kv their gonna do something. now 4kv they usually dont care as much. if all fails call the puc and inform them of the hazard you`ll get a response within 3 days. Doug, LXT........ former line clearance crew leader & inspector.
Call Detriot Edison and explain the problem. They should send a guy out there to look at the tree and give you some options. Often they will do what they call a C job. That means removind limbs near the wires so a reputable contractor can safely finish the job. They usually leave all brush and logs when they do this. They may drag their feet but keep on them about the issue. Tell them you tried to hire a contractors to take the tree down but none of them will do it because of the wires. And PLEASE try to get the tree down as soon as possible. Ash trees are very dry to begin with and after they die, they become unsafe to climb very quickly. Let us know how you do.
I have no problems whatsoever with the city guys, here. The more notice the better, but I've had em come out after just giving em a call. Outside of the city it's a 'lil harder to get em, but they will eventually get to it.
It's sweet when I can get em to knock out way more than they outta. Slip em a 'lil lunch money... ;)
Like topnothch said call the utility and have them send someone out so that they can let you know what the utility is willing to do if anything. A good idea would be to leave them a daytime phone # where they can contact you.
Thanks guys. I hope they do do somethig because my dad's company won't take it out becaust the highest lims are over hanging the wire nothing to tie in above it to pull the limbs up and not enough clearance to let them swing down, and no room for a crane on this job.

Thanks again guys.
Here, OGE (Oklahoma Gas & Elect.) will come out and drop service wires upon request. THey prefer a days notice but recently came out w/in an hour to drop one. Safety first.

The guys usually thank us for calling them too.

As for the primaries, Asp. has done a pretty good job getting hangovers back. One time they did come out and cut back more for us.
MasterBlaster said:
I have no problems whatsoever with the city guys, here. The more notice the better, but I've had em come out after just giving em a call. Outside of the city it's a 'lil harder to get em, but they will eventually get to it.
It's sweet when I can get em to knock out way more than they outta. Slip em a 'lil lunch money... ;)

excellent post,be ready to hand a little folding money where need be,people will move mountains to get that 6 pack for the way home. ;)