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Hello guys, im a new guy.
I purchased a electric sharpener Ozaki XLP950, it seems to be a clone of oregon 511a. . . I have husqvarna 353 and i'm using Oregon 21BPX chain. . .
First off, the instructions that come with most grinders stink (and that is a nice word for it). Look through some other grinder threads here on A.S. for some tips on use. Here is a link to the 511A grinder manual, which is still weak, but should generally apply to your clone grinder as well:
Wheel sizes are confusing, because they don't always align with file diameter sizes for the same chain. They can also vary between manufacturers - e.g. some old .325 chain by Oregon or STIHL may use a different diameter file, or different thickness grinding wheel, than new ones. Some people use a smaller diameter file, or thinner wheel, near the end of the cutter's life than when new. Those choices are up to you. You may want something different, or change to make things 'look right'.
Most chains will be sharpened with a 1/8" or 3/16" wheel. A 1/4" or 5/16" wheel will typically be used for depth gauges. Most grinders will come with 3 wheels (1/8" , 3/16", and 1/4") when new. Here are links to Oregon recommendations for file sizes, wheel sizes, filing and grinding angles, for their current chains:
*I grind most chains at 30° / 55° / 0° (unless someone asks for something different).
.. i want to be able to sharpen chain with a file aswell, . . . I would feel better if someone with an experience could clarify that it's the right thing to do
I do this. I grind chains at home, but may touch up with a file in the field. To do this I have to "
grind as I file, and file as I grind"! In other words, I cannot grind with the flat side of the wheel if I want to file the same cutter with a round file. If I set a 10° 'down angle' with the grinder, I have to do the same with the file. Otherwise, I will spend half my grinding or filing time re-shaping the cutter from the last event, rather than just touching up the dull edges.
Good luck. Let us know how it works out for you.