eucalyptus any exp. out there?

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Derek said:
A lemon scented gum was the tree i have told of, that i was in when it went over, termites were to blame for that little incident, by all rights i should of died that day, ya live and learn ( just dont look as good naked any

Yeah, that was the same kind of euc that almost killed me. (see my earlier post) Smooth whitish bark with a lemon smell.
hey there Koa, I sped through the posts once i realized kcliff will be there doing it..dident read alot of it, i since did read it a few times, the whole thread..It seems that even the 2000miles between Aussie and I , the tree still have different charicturistics, for example the nicholii i come across up here, i dont mind at all, they tear badley if ya not carefull, but i have become quite the safety freak in trees, since the fall from height
The difference to what you have over there would be great as well.. i dont think we can really comment at all on how to work on somthing we havent seen a pic of yet..
I love to scare the crap out of people sometimes, it will make them a little nervious but i want them to get home again, if ya not sure about it, dont do it, or at least get some "local" advice, from LOCAL PEOPLE..
Funny that i once concidered lemon sented gums citriodora [or somthing like that]
the nicest of trees, the smell is wonderfull. i look at them very closley these days..I dont trust them as far as i can throw a hollow one!! I still have a peice of that tree, it was all i could think about as I was getting preped for transport, how is my saw and get me a peice of it!! It put a downer on the whole team..I dont think they did a thing the rest of the day..There shock was greater than mine..
I wish i dident come onto Quick reply, i wanted to ask about some things my self..and do some 'quoting"
do you (Koa) have other names for eucs? Corymbiia [not sure of spelling] or somthing like mertyl. are these realy eucs or names someone came up with to try to seperate the straight growing trees from the bent to hell ones?

I also noticed i dident spell ghostgum right..i do thoes in my sleep (never dream about fibourious ones?) and now my spelling is down to 7.8Kbps..Ill hop on and talk some more bout the mongrels ive been in, even got a new series of shots back..Theres some big gums in this lot..hope it goes well for him..nite. Derek..
Derek said:
, if ya not sure about it, dont do it, or at least get some "local" advice, from LOCAL PEOPLE..

(Koa) have other names for eucs? .

Derek, I am "local". Born and raised in Hawaii. I have done numerous eucs. That one was the first and only one that did that. We have several names for the same euc. Lemon gum and lemon euc are one and the same. Ditto for robustus and swamp mahogany.
more on Eucalyptus

Koa Man said:
Derek, I am "local". Born and raised in Hawaii. I have done numerous eucs. That one was the first and only one that did that. We have several names for the same euc. Lemon gum and lemon euc are one and the same. Ditto for robustus and swamp mahogany.

Hey Koa, i see how i missed the bit where i changed from talking to you, to talking to ckliff, I was refering to the new fella going to San Deigo, thats where i ment to go with the "local" statement, chit i know YOU know your stuff really well...Sorry to confuse you...its that little box, Quick reply, cant really see what ive written, in a small box..In fact the whole message is a little "all over the place", I havent really met the lad yet (kcliff) I hope to when he gets back..I hope he gets back here safely (from CA)

We have most of our Koalas live in the Robustas around here, must be somthing pretty good in them leaves, except for the odd "fighter" they allways seem to be "whacked out", part of my E2 licence was to "proctect" the little fellas, get it so far out of your heads (now speaking to everyone)
That they are cute cuddley little furry things, THERE NOT... Nuthin like the images you see on tv, there viscious, and removing them from the path of danger, has some challanges all there own..In fact the only time ive ever allowed someone eles in a tree with me was to "rescue" one from the path of power lines, little fellas can be hard to catch sometimes...I would never want to injure one, the safety nets we have strung up at times has taken half the day!!

I would of "scouted" for another tree first, then send a E1 to check on them for a couple of days running, i would of taken him/her back to the right height
and do all the paperwork, a lot of red tape in the tree tops sometimes..

If you could find out what they eat in the zoos in hawaii, i would be very interested to know if they can eat your Robustas, or does it get imported?

Thanx Koa, LOVE YOUR WORK...
I wanna go check the "alpine Magnum" thread, hope yours is still going well, keep me posted on it, i think ill have to get one ..Derek..Ps will pop back later to do the Quote thing, not to challange anyone, just have some querrys on some of the statments on this thread..The Techdave post has me a little puzzeled for one, Blue gums dont have that sort of bark? [IMO] they are smooth or at least "shed" their bark or "peel" might be a better term, it sounds like "jarrah" E Margenata {dont trust the spelling} some more info Dave? ta..

While im here Aussie, do you also call your Nicholii's "black peperments"?

Dave those Giants you speak of would they be "Karri" they grow to 300 feet [ nearly 90 meters] here, but mostly west of least they have an easy name "diversicolor"
one of the most magnifisant trees ive ever seen, never had to climb one, yet, hope i never have to...BEAUTIFULL..

Also Dave again IMO only, I feel the exact opposit, the Smooths give me the creeps very unpredictable, the ones with hard barks, or even rough barks, fiberious barks , sure have there own problems, but i trust them much more..

As for the Silica that was mentioned , i think that its more just dirt, blown via dust. Silica is microscopic, or big sheets i thought you would have to have a thousand years build up of the silica, to effect your chain, its mostly sand that has broken down, its also in rocks of course..Just my thoughts on it..

The firewood comment, right up my ally, used to do 250 tons per season, for 6 years {lots of other stuff as well}.. some eucs will burn for 48 hours "ironbark" E.Cebra{shut down} others wont burn with a oxy torch , "messmate" [ not going anywhere near that name] or some of the "pepermints" turn black and do nothing..

The heat difference between the eucs amazes me, white box, will burn out the bottem of the fire place in a year (or two) ...Had a few people complain the wood was to hot..go figure??
Other gums will even dry 50 years will stain the glass black and still have some sort of sap come out, it bubbels out, and clogs the flue real quick..

I started to mix the wood, iron bark, stringy bark, and box, id stack it for them so as they HAD to mix it themselves, no more problems...( lots of older customers ) that enough out of me...I still wanna go have a read of the Alpine thread!! Cheers then Derek...
The heat difference between the eucs amazes me, white box, will burn out the bottem of the fire place in a year (or two) ...Had a few people complain the wood was to hot..go figure??

I've heard similar things about other woods befors, and I cant buy it. Cellulose burns at the same temp, so all wood with the same humidity will burn near the mid 400* mark at sea level. The differeance in BTU's is how fast a given cord will burn up due to density.
Hi Jps, oddly enough, I cant find my old book on "commercial timbers of Australia"
It has a great chart on British thermal units, a customer gave it to me, cause of the debate i had with people telling me what wood they wanted, what burnt better for used the term calorific value ( hope spelt right) but do remember it saying it was practicly the same in all wood, but i thought it had a lot to do with the moisture content??.. Is that the same as "humidity"? For all the cutting i did, i still never had a nice simple way to tell folks what was happening in there fire places..

It also told me some of the super dry gums (dry 20 years) but those that "blacken" would
burn if you stuck it on its end??

I found , that if you gave them a combination of hardwoods they where happy..
So is it the density of white box that is keeping it burning longer, its still the same temp
as other woods, just longer? I have seen many first hand examples of the same modell fire places (we have bought some ourselves) [pssst have a really huge/ good one these days] that either had no bottom in it or was perfect, i though it was dependent on what they burnt in it..
For example one old fella burnt old pallets and what ever the cat dragged in, the lady next door BOUGHT good wood and has no great left, took 10 years but it did burn out the ladys, same useage..

Anything to help clear this up for me would be greatly appreciated..
Not that i will ever do fire wood again, i still have stockpiles of it around, but the hassels arnt worth it..

Is all firewood over there sold in cords? There 3 feet long i thought, we sell ours by the ton in 12 to 16 inch peices..

The brick works in a nearby town bought it that way, it had to be a certian height, by a certien lenght @ 3 feet peices..I met the guys that did it..I think they did 2 cords a day of stringy bark only..

In my days , i could cut a ton an hour, (088) how long does it take to cut a cord?


Hi Derek, sorry it took me so long to reply but i was making a homade chainsaw mill for my 372xp and then teaching my fellow volunteers at the local state park how to use it. We milled a Calocedurus decurrens and have our eyes on a 36 inch diameter pine tht has about 35 feet clear after being felled in post fire cleanup.
I am sure you forgot more about Eucs than I will ever know. I just dont have the problems with the smoothies because I dont climb and I cherry pick my falling jobs. I ALMOST only work for referrals to friends (it aint my full time job) in remote rural areas where the city tree services either wont go or cant do. Right now it is fire victims only, pay very adjustable depending on victim. I dont do firewood deals in exchange for falling so I guess i am a little off the bottom of the food chain.
If i was a climber i would be very careful as they aint called widowmakers for nothing. :) All I gotta worry about is the barberchairing, and I had an oldtimer who used to work for tree service clue me in to nipping the bark and carefully checking for trunkrot early on. I worry most about the stump pulling roots out from under me as it falls! Especially after peoriod of lots of rain like we have had this year. I dont think the giants i am talking about reach 90 meters in height, but they are only about 100 years old. They were planted for windbreaks in Ag areas, but now the area is subdivision of tract homes. I think the Koalas here at the SD zoo eat fresh from the tree leaves grown at the zoo. I am guessing that everywhere in the county except maybe the immediate coastal belt they are the number 2 landscape tree group, second only to pines. And they do make great firewood, at least the ones we have here in the chaparral belt.
hey guys, In my expiriance eucs scare alot of people for no good reason, like any tree they deserve a lot of respect as well as demand alot of thought, planning and constant re-assessment. Koa man Corimbia Citriadora - lemon scented gum do have a habit of having very brittle lateral branches but this varies hugely from tree to tree. Even with a tree with sound stucture you are best off getting a strong anchor point (3 - 4 inches across) and treating every branch like the plumb bob station in a climbing comp, Best keeping all your weight off them. I have noticed Derek that l.s.g on the east coast grow a hell of alot whippier and spindlier than they do here in S.A i dont think that they would be the most fun to climb.
As for Eucs being widowmakers, I have found worse trees to climb (i.e Hoop pines - Araucaria family). Suprisingly enough it was a plane tree that tried taking me out by dropping a side leader, as i've said ALL trees deserve carefull thought, planning and constant reasassment.