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LOT's of them around here, I've had them come right up to the house and eat my suet blocks, they can eat one up pretty fast!
Yes they can. I divy out one cake a day between 4 suet feeders. I do 4 to keep the peace. I have 5 different species of woodpeckers and a a lot of times there's a different species on each feeder. Aaaaaaand some don't play well.
So, this way everybody wins.
The goofy Pileated's greet me when I get home from work. I like to think they are saying hi but I know that it is really "You are out of suet fool!!"
God forbid I don't fill the feeders. I have been in the house and heard a loud "BANG" on the Eve's troft. Just one bang
I go out and fill the feeder and the Pileated is up in a tree bawling me out.
The families in the spring are really cool when they feed the juveniles from the suet feeders and then attempt to teach the juveniles how to eat out of the suet feeder.
I try to get pictures but that is tough. I go through a lot of suet then.
I had one Pileated juvenile this spring that I was a little concerned about. Not a quick all. He would fly up to the feeder and stare at it. Creep up and down the tree then stare some more. It took him a while to get the hang of it.