Fabricating a new splitting wedge

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Hey Craz z,
The best way to cut the point on a wedge is with a milling machine. I got my inch thick metal from a local scrap yard and it must have been some good steel......maybe steel out of a ship !!!! I milled that point to a sharp edge.......I split countless cords of wood with it and I think you could still almost cut your finger with it....that steel was amazing !!!!!!

Henry and Wanda
I'm the OP. I read somewhere that "experience is what you get when you don't get what you expected." I recon I'll be getting a lot of "experience" as I'll probably have to re-do this little project 5 or 10 times until I get it right. But hey ~ it should be fun !

Don <><
couple months ago my puter crapped out, so I fired up the standby Dell. I was all set to put files on the Dell when the portable hard drive fell off the desk. How can I get my files on the Dell?

Use a bigger hammer.

Seriously fdoberman, if the external hard drive is broke, there are places that can extract the data on it for you. Take it to a computer store for more info.

I'm the OP. I read somewhere that "experience is what you get when you don't get what you expected." I recon I'll be getting a lot of "experience" as I'll probably have to re-do this little project 5 or 10 times until I get it right. But hey ~ it should be fun !

Don <><

Yup nothing wrong with that! It isn't rocket science by any means just a little hand eye coordination with a bit of understanding and technique. The more you do it the more all of it will come together. No better way to learn than just plain doing it.:clap:
I wouldn't use 6013 for anything! Make a pretty weld and feeds a ego on a novice, if you can keep the slag pockets out. I'd use 7018 or 6010-6011 and leave 6013 for sheetmetal.

Sorry to learn of your complete lack of knowledge and skill in arc welding.

Your advice of a fast freeze rod for this project alone tells me you have no business in a welding shop beyond sweeping the floor.
That isn't an insult, it's a statement of fact!
Do you have access to a cutting torch?

Not a welder by trade but get by and notice the warmer the metal the easier the sticks startup.

Halfway through a cold weld it gets just right if you heat the steel prior to starting the stick it will hookup instantly.

you don't have to get it beat red just get it nice and warm and it will make the process much easier. oh and don't use the oxygen button if using the cutting head attachment or you'll make a mess and have to start over.

By the way grinding 3/4" and higher into a nice blade like point is gonna take awhile specially with a small hand grinder or bench grinder. I like to start a point with the torch and finish it with a grinder. cuts a hour or so outta your day. :rock:

From my experience there is no need to preheat the steel. I did some welding for a friend using HIS welder and rod and found that to be true though. It was either damp rod or his welder start up. Always keep your rod in a dry place. Easy way for good storage is to put a light bulb fixture in a metal box and store the rod there with the bulb on. Doesn't have to be a 100 watt, just something that gives off a little heat.

It WOULD be more important to V cut the edges so you can build several bead passes so you get full penetration throughout the entire thickness. One bead, overlap 2 wide, overlap 3 wide, etc. A standard welder can not be cranked up enough to attach 1 inch steel in one pass.

Your suggestion on cutting the edge with a torch is a good point(Pun intended) To make it even easier, C clamp a straight edge onto the steel to act as a guide for the torch. Works great for a conventional torch or plasma arc.

Sorry to learn of your complete lack of knowledge and skill in arc welding.

Your advice of a fast freeze rod for this project alone tells me you have no business in a welding shop beyond sweeping the floor.
That isn't an insult, it's a statement of fact!

Blow me! I've been a AWS certified welder, show me some of your work jerk off! :hmm3grin2orange:

Here my machinery at home.







Know it all numb nuts here is a good read about your Bull Chit 6013 weld rod that you claim would be great for a splitter. I don't know of to many wedges made out of 3/16" material...

Welding Rods Applications

Here is another "claim" like mine that it is a sheetmetal rod....ESAB, ever hear of them :)


Fdoperman, maybe you should have listened to those Homodepot boy and his cousin in blue at Blows, sounds like they might have taught you something.... That's not an insult, it's a statement of fact!!! HAHAHAHA

I'll leave that "pushing" the broom to you brother! Infact you can start in my free of 6013 shop!







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Well Gink, I'll just eschew giving the pictures any further exposure.

""Blow me! I've been a AWS certified welder, show me some of your work jerk off!""
As to your request for homosexual gratification, I don't go that way, never have and ain't likely at my age to find your proposition entertaining. Thanks ever so much for your offer though.

InRe your link to ESAB, the portion I find pertenent is; E6013 classification of covered mild steel electrodes was originally designedto have low arc penetration and flat smooth weld beads. These features allowed the electrodeto weld sheet metal. Today, many 6013 electrodes are used instead of 6012 electrodesbecause of the smoother arc, less spatter and more uniform weld bead surface.
A person with even dull/normal reading skills would note that ESAB proffers 6011 and 6012 primarily for the ability to run an open root pass, which is NOT the case being talked about in this post.
I am rather conversant with ESAB consumables (that's rod & wire for nonweldors) and find their product highly acceptable. I also find ESAB to be quite generous in providing access to information on line.

AWS Certified you say, am I supposed to be impressed by that? What was the name of your employer who paid to have you tested, and what process were you able to pass on? I had a lot of "Certified weldors" come through looking for jobs over the years. I hired a 16 year old girl to weed the BSers out after I taught her to run stringers.

Do those stickers all over the helmet impress the dullards in your area?

Little hard to tell from your picture but between that and your skilled verbiage expressing yourself you impress me as a bit wet behind the ears. Perhaps you should become an expert in residence on one of the multiple welding boards available till your Unemployment runs out. In the meantime, kindly employ Mr Jerk Off in deference to my age.

Yall go swill a nice 6pack now.
Well Gink, I'll just eschew giving the pictures any further exposure..

Hmmm, sounds like you are all bark! I think there is a reason you decline to show your craftsmanship and your self proclaimed mastery.

As to your request for homosexual gratification, I don't go that way, never have and ain't likely at my age to find your proposition entertaining. Thanks ever so much for your offer though...

Don't flatter yourself, it wasn't a real offer but more of reference, the last thing I need is some old man wanting to gum my sack.

In Re your link to ESAB, the portion I find pertenent is; E6013 classification of covered mild steel electrodes was originally designedto have low arc penetration and flat smooth weld beads. These features allowed the electrodeto weld sheet metal. Today, many 6013 electrodes are used instead of 6012 electrodesbecause of the smoother arc, less spatter and more uniform weld bead surface.

A person with even dull/normal reading skills would note that ESAB proffers 6011 and 6012 primarily for the ability to run an open root pass, which is NOT the case being talked about in this post....

Hmmm, a open root pass you say, just out of curiosity why do you suppose that is? I say it is used on a open root pass because 6013 has a good quality of depostion and can fill gaps nicely, one feature it does have in it's favor, where 6010/6011 will struggle with filling the keyhole . But why do you suppose the cover pass is 7018 and not the almightly low penetration 6013?

I am rather conversant with ESAB consumables (that's rod & wire for nonweldors) and find their product highly acceptable. I also find ESAB to be quite generous in providing access to information on line....

I think you're rather conversant in the art of BS.

AWS Certified you say, am I supposed to be impressed by that? What was the name of your employer who paid to have you tested, and what process were you able to pass on? I had a lot of "Certified weldors" come through looking for jobs over the years.....

That what I say! As I will not say who my employer is here, I will say I work for a very large company that does strutural structures. I was qualified in a 1G position for flux core unlimited thickness and 2G .052 GMAW mig unlimited thickness.

I hired a 16 year old girl to weed the BSers out after I taught her to run stringers.

Sounds to me like she should have replaced you maybe you need to get ahold of that girl and ask her what she would use to weld structural steel with.

Do those stickers all over the helmet impress the dullards in your area?.

Not really sure if they do or not, then again I've never asked the question to anyone to see if it impressed them, I guess I like them and to me thats all that mattered, but just to clarify with you so you know my stance, I don't give a chit if you like them or not I think it's been obvious I think you are blowhard.

Little hard to tell from your picture but between that and your skilled verbiage expressing yourself you impress me as a bit wet behind the ears. Perhaps you should become an expert in residence on one of the multiple welding boards available till your Unemployment runs out. In the meantime, kindly employ Mr Jerk Off in deference to my age.

Yall go swill a nice 6pack now.

Thanks for the offer of the 6 pack but you can stick in your arse! I'm 36 years old and have worked for the same company for 12 years now. I've help multiple positions while being here and I'm not worried about my employment. I've never posted on any weld forum, I'll leave that to you.

You come on here acting like you know everything there is to know and try to bully me, go #### yourself. If you think I'll lay down for you, you are mistaken. Your information is incorrect and if you don't have the balls to admit it. Everyone here can read for themself and they can contact a qualified welder or CWI, Lincoln will even give you advice from their own in-house CWI on weld proceedures. So take it for what it worth and do your own research. There is good information and bad info, be wise with what you choose and from who you choose it from. Some guy on here claiming this and that but denies to show any proof of his capabilities is kind of strange to me. If I was on here doing the blowhard bit I'd at least back it up as I did.

Since this thread has gone to hell from us two arseholes I will extend a offer to the OP:

If you want to give me the dimensions of what you want as a 4-way I will make it out of my own material and ship it to you for no charge of anything!

I will also post here as I make it and show my method on how I do so. If you're interested PM me:hmm3grin2orange:
Hmmm, sounds like you are all bark! I think there is a reason you decline to show your craftsmanship and your self proclaimed mastery.

Don't flatter yourself, it wasn't a real offer but more of reference, the last thing I need is some old man wanting to gum my sack.

Hmmm, a open root pass you say, just out of curiosity why do you suppose that is? I say it is used on a open root pass because 6013 has a good quality of depostion and can fill gaps nicely, one feature it does have in it's favor, where 6010/6011 will struggle with filling the keyhole . But why do you suppose the cover pass is 7018 and not the almightly low penetration 6013?

I think you're rather conversant in the art of BS.

That what I say! As I will not say who my employer is here, I will say I work for a very large company that does strutural structures. I was qualified in a 1G position for flux core unlimited thickness and 2G .052 GMAW mig unlimited thickness.

Sounds to me like she should have replaced you maybe you need to get ahold of that girl and ask her what she would use to weld structural steel with.

Not really sure if they do or not, then again I've never asked the question to anyone to see if it impressed them, I guess I like them and to me thats all that mattered, but just to clarify with you so you know my stance, I don't give a chit if you like them or not I think it's been obvious I think you are blowhard.

Thanks for the offer of the 6 pack but you can stick in your arse! I'm 36 years old and have worked for the same company for 12 years now. I've help multiple positions while being here and I'm not worried about my employment. I've never posted on any weld forum, I'll leave that to you.

You come on here acting like you know everything there is to know and try to bully me, go #### yourself. If you think I'll lay down for you, you are mistaken. Your information is incorrect and if you don't have the balls to admit it. Everyone here can read for themself and they can contact a qualified welder or CWI, Lincoln will even give you advice from their own in-house CWI on weld proceedures. So take it for what it worth and do your own research. There is good information and bad info, be wise with what you choose and from who you choose it from. Some guy on here claiming this and that but denies to show any proof of his capabilities is kind of strange to me. If I was on here doing the blowhard bit I'd at least back it up as I did.

Since this thread has gone to hell from us two arseholes I will extend a offer to the OP:

If you want to give me the dimensions of what you want as a 4-way I will make it out of my own material and ship it to you for no charge of anything!

I will also post here as I make it and show my method on how I do so. If you're interested PM me:hmm3grin2orange:

Since your in a giving mood, is there any chance i could get your bike for free? Its Christmas you know and gifts are always nice to receive, that bike is awesome and you got skills buddy!!!!! Im glad you guys are civil and such :biggrin:
Since your in a giving mood, is there any chance i could get your bike for free? Its Christmas you know and gifts are always nice to receive, that bike is awesome and you got skills buddy!!!!! Im glad you guys are civil and such :biggrin:

I'm always in the giving mood! Sometimes you just got to give a big #### off to the well deserving! :hmm3grin2orange:

That wasn't my bike I was just doing some sheetmetal work to blend the tank in the frame. And make some trims on the oil tank. Somewhere I have a picture from the owner of it all painted, it looks really sharp. I never seen it in person after it left my barn.






For those not conversant with the welding industry, Gink has in his own words stated he holds a low level welding job in a large structural shop. The company he refuses to name has footed the bill to have Gink certified as competent in 2 production procedures.

Gink has also proven his inability to comprehend written english, and that his knowledge of welding was gained by listening to the guys at lunch or the beer bar.

It's OK Gink, everybody has to get started someplace. You stay at the craft a few more years and the company may decide you're a good candidate to work the SubArc line. Hell, I been burning rod longer than you been riding this rock around the Sun. Frankly your rage is the norm from your uneducated generation. Blame it on the NEA and when you arrived in the system.

easy big fella
not all us old guys are bitter. I also have been welding many decades (4-5) and like your work.
I also have an Associate Science degree in computer programming. I have found that my welding skills
have always been something that I could fall back on whenever I needed some work. I have burned hundreds
of 50# boxes of 1/4" 308-16 ss welding rods while working in the iron mines in Minnesota. Burned as many .060
flux core wire and .045 hard wire while building farm equipment. I have burned many boxes of 6010 - 6011 - 6012 - 6013 - 6014 - 7018
and many specialty rods they all have a place and a purpose. I say use whatever rods you wish and whatever works best for what you are doing at the time. Good luck to you in the future and do not be too hard on us old guys.

easy big fella
not all us old guys are bitter. I also have been welding many decades (4-5) and like your work.
I also have an Associate Science degree in computer programming. I have found that my welding skills
have always been something that I could fall back on whenever I needed some work. I have burned hundreds
of 50# boxes of 1/4" 308-16 ss welding rods while working in the iron mines in Minnesota. Burned as many .060
flux core wire and .045 hard wire while building farm equipment. I have burned many boxes of 6010 - 6011 - 6012 - 6013 - 6014 - 7018
and many specialty rods they all have a place and a purpose. I say use whatever rods you wish and whatever works best for what you are doing at the time. Good luck to you in the future and do not be too hard on us old guys.

Will, My apologies to you! My father is 75 years old and I typically have alot of respect for the older generation, when it is mutual. My dad is a old hard core auto body guy built his panels and torch welded everything. I grew up in a body shop, no day care for me. I could braze when I was in the 6th grade and learned alot just being there whether I wanted to or not. I agree on the welding rod selection, 6013 has it's place and does it well, if it was completely useless it wouldn't exist, like you said to each his own! Me and dobe just aren't going to agree with this one! I gotta admit I was a bit torqued off when I read I need to push a broom...LOL I haven't welded in production for sometime now, I have a position working for the same metal building manufacture as a construction trouble shooter and take care of problems when they arise. I've worked in the shop there for 5 years welding and fitting, then went to the office in the engineering dept drafting for another 5 years after some health issues came up, and of recent I've taken on a new role that combines all the things. I still do alot of work out of the house, mainly chainsaw pipes and other little hobby stuff I enjoy. As of late I bought a South Bend lathe and have been learning how to do some of that now. I enjoy this stuff and always enjoy a new challenge. I know I came off as a jerk off myself but it wasn't directed to any other of our older members!
For those not conversant with the welding industry, Gink has in his own words stated he holds a low level welding job in a large structural shop. The company he refuses to name has footed the bill to have Gink certified as competent in 2 production procedures.

Gink has also proven his inability to comprehend written english, and that his knowledge of welding was gained by listening to the guys at lunch or the beer bar.

It's OK Gink, everybody has to get started someplace. You stay at the craft a few more years and the company may decide you're a good candidate to work the SubArc line. Hell, I been burning rod longer than you been riding this rock around the Sun. Frankly your rage is the norm from your uneducated generation. Blame it on the NEA and when you arrived in the system.

Lets see some of your work fdoberman. When a man runs his mouth(on the keyboard) as you have, you need to put up or shut up. While you're at it tell us where you work also.

Hang in there Gink. You do pretty work and appear to be very creative. I work with a young mechanic/welder/frabricator like that. Very special people in my thinking.
Lets see some of your work fdoberman. When a man runs his mouth(on the keyboard) as you have, you need to put up or shut up. While you're at it tell us where you work also.


See right there is another loud mouthed unable to comprehend the written word pissed off because the world ain't what his high school counselor told him it would be statement made by a wetnosed kid!

I don't "work" I'm retired!

I sit on my as$ and collect from Social Security, so get your sorry but out from behind the computer and work more hours so the government can send me more money you worked for.

I damn sure didn't sire you that I'm aware of so I don't owe you anything. Take your attitude, fold it 5 ways and shove it. Then go tell your mother she did a crap job of teaching you manners!
See right there is another loud mouthed unable to comprehend the written word pissed off because the world ain't what his high school counselor told him it would be statement made by a wetnosed kid!

I don't "work" I'm retired!

I sit on my as$ and collect from Social Security, so get your sorry but out from behind the computer and work more hours so the government can send me more money you worked for.

I damn sure didn't sire you that I'm aware of so I don't owe you anything. Take your attitude, fold it 5 ways and shove it. Then go tell your mother she did a crap job of teaching you manners!

Something tells me you aren't the local Wal-Mart greeter as you have the personality of a toilet seat!
See right there is another loud mouthed unable to comprehend the written word pissed off because the world ain't what his high school counselor told him it would be statement made by a wetnosed kid!!

So Deutzman at 59 years old is some wetnosed kid, just unbelieveable.

I sit on my as$ and collect from Social Security, so get your sorry but out from behind the computer and work more hours so the government can send me more money you worked for

Must be nice sitting on your arse now!! Wish I was doing the same but I can't due to your generation's piss pour money management the last 30years. What are we up to 15 trillion :msp_ohmy:

I damn sure didn't sire you that I'm aware of so I don't owe you anything. Take your attitude, fold it 5 ways and shove it. Then go tell your mother she did a crap job of teaching you manners!

You are the one with the attitude and it is uncalled for. All this because you disagreed with Gink on 6013 rod?? You ruined this guys thread on welding wedges. This thread is another informative post here on AS that gets sidetrack by people such as yourself who can't agree to disagree and have nothing but negative things to say. This attitude adjustment must happen when retirement sets in because at one time you were an important contributor to society but now being retired you contribute less and have nothing better to do besides put your fellow person down. I see it everytime I visit my retired dad. I can't weld maybe you could channel that anger and teach me:msp_thumbup:

Hobart Bros are fine machines, white Hobarts made by IndoChinaThugWorks are little better than Horrible freight! I have one sitting here and there is no way in hell you should need to tape the wire speed pot to hold the setting!!! ITW completely whored Hobart's name. I also have a 400 amp Hobart Bros and that is a welding machine.


Uh uh...

Hobart is now made in the USA, by Miller. I have my Handler 140 and it makes good strong welds. It clearly says on the box and the machine that it's made in the USA. It even has a Miller gun on it. Factoring in the price which is more than double a HF wire feed welder of the same rating means that it is much better than any HF of the same rating, and even some of higher ratings.

The ground clamp they supply you with is the problem on these, it's about worthless... no contact area for the weld current to run through the work into the machine. Even replacing it with a HF not pure copper knock off of a Tweco 400 amp clamp greatly improved the welds. I can only imagine how much better a real Tweco clamp could be... might get me one.

I built my own welding cart with it... threw the finished welded pieces/cart on the floor several times. No problems with welds breaking or showing stress.

And yes, there are limitations to a 120 volt machine. Metal thickness... max is 1/4" on my Hobart (technically overrated... it really is 1/8" in one pass max due to amperage limitations) Otherwise on sheet metal and general farting around with light/medium fab projects, it's perfect. Not to mention if you needed to bring it somewhere and plug it into a generator to fix a truck out in the woods or whatever, it is much easier to do so with a 120 volt machine. That's why I bought my Hobart 140. 450 bucks for an entry/mid level machine isn't cheap. HF welders are cheap and are one of the few things I refuse to buy from their store.

I did lots of comparisons/parts list cross-referencing, and reading reviews to decide on the Hobart over the Miller. It was worth it and is a very good machine. Why waste another 400 on a blue machine that has nothing more than an autoset feature that you don't want and a metal feed system mount?

Sorry you got one with a dud of a WF pot. You should've called up Hobart as soon as it happened. They would be happy to help get that fixed and might've sent you a new one free of charge. Give them a call, maybe they'll do so even though you're probably out of warranty.

ITW owns Miller, Hobart, and another company (forgot that name) The only differences between the Hobart 140 and Miller 140 is the autoset feature and that the Miller has a metal wire feed motor/roller mount rather than plastic. They use the same guns, same carriage/housing, and even the switches for power, WF pot, and such are the same. Different paint, faceplates, and names... very few parts are different.