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"What‼??‼ You just told a Scandinavian and a Polish joke, and I'm racist but you're not??" He actually tried tellin' me that it was not the same thing. When I started laughin', he walked away pizzed-off. My brother-in-law looks at me and says with a grin, "He must be German." :laughing:

True damn story...
And that right there is the double standard of the decade. There can be one protected class but not others. Why is that. You were dead on in your comeback too.

Some day the pendulum will swing.
This here is a true story...
Wednesday evening I stopped at the bowling ally to wish my brother-in-law a merry Christmas (he owns it). I'm standing at the bar with a glass of beer talkin' with this guy (from out'a town, visiting friends over the holiday) next to me. We're gettin' along pretty good, laughin' a bit, and he tells me a couple pretty funny jokes... one is a Scandinavian joke (Ole and Lena), the other is a ******* joke.

Now get this...
The first joke stereotypes Scandinavian people and, as is typical of Ole and Lena jokes, stereotypes the man as a putz. The second joke stereotypes the Polish people as plain *******. Neither joke is in any way "flattering" of the subjects... quite the opposite.
So I tell him a pretty funny stereotypical black joke, (by-the-way, a black friend told it to me)... this guy gets a funny look on his face, and accuses me of being racist‼ I said, "What‼??‼ You just told a Scandinavian and a Polish joke, and I'm racist but you're not??" He actually tried tellin' me that it was not the same thing. When I started laughin', he walked away pizzed-off. My brother-in-law looks at me and says with a grin, "He must be German." :laughing:

True damn story...
:ices_rofl::ices_rofl::ices_rofl: blind in one eye, was he??? sheesh.....................
So I just gotta' ask...
:wtf: Who's stereotyping?? Who's being insulting?? Who's being inappropriate?? Who's being obnoxious?? Who's acting like they're 12?? And just exactly who needs to grow the hell up??

I'm not upset by any of this. It's hard to be offended by people, grown men supposedly, whose level of behavior and decency reached it's peak somewhere around the age of 10. It would be like being offended by the mentally ill or the retarded. I can feel sorry for you and I can be really glad that you're not any important part of my life but to be offended by you would mean that what you say has any real substance or affect on my life. It doesn't. It never will.
You and Overclock are just doing what you do best, being obnoxious and making noise. Those seem to be your only real skills. I'm glad that you two found each other. It's a good fit. People who are poorly adjusted, lacking in social ability, not measurably successful in life, and who like to make themselves feel better by denigrating others also like peer approval. You two can fuel each other's ego. You both apparently need that.
I don't need to defend Slowp. She's perfectly capable of defending herself but, then again, she hasn't really done anything that needs defending. She called you out, showed you up for what you really are, and left you with your juvenile attitudes and behavior exposed for all to see. Did a good job of it too.
So, you and Overclock keep on with your little displays of playground mentality. Maybe I'll read them, maybe I won't. It doesn't really matter. You guys are harmless. Childish, but harmless.
So Gologit... since you weren't offended, and you felt no need to defend anyone... the whole point of your post was to belittle, insult and offend (i.e., denigrate)??
FYI... didn't work... but I liked the post because it was a damn good attempt‼
And that right there is the double standard of the decade. There can be one protected class but not others. Why is that.
Why?? Because "we the people" have allowed it. It ain't about being fair, or sensitive, or understanding, or anything like that... it's about being politically correct.
Except, that is, for the people who champion and drive the correctness agenda... for them it's all about the money.
Sad really...
And you're correct about the pendulum... the people who started it swinging in one direction ain't smart enough to see they need to get out'a the way of the return swing.
...we can operate our woodstoves successfully without making a major production of it. Oh my, this fire was sooooooo hard to get going....NOT.
I hate to tell ya' this slowp, but the above, along with the added picture... is makin' pretty close to a "major production" out'a it.
No doubt you're unable to see the irony of it though.
Why?? Because "we the people" have allowed it. It ain't about being fair, or sensitive, or understanding, or anything like that... it's about being politically correct.
Except, that is, for the people who champion and drive the correctness agenda... for them it's all about the money.
Sad really...
And you're correct about the pendulum... the people who started it swinging in one direction ain't smart enough to see they need to get out'a the way of the return swing.
Yes decades. But in this decade you can lose everything for saying a bad word ie Paula Deen. So many PC police out there looking for ways to be offended.
Yes decades. But in this decade you can lose everything for saying a bad word ie Paula Deen. So many PC police out there looking for ways to be offended.
That she said 30 yrs ago.
I just asked my wife if she knows who Paula Deen is... and if she knew about the n-word thing... this is how she answered me...
"How can you not know about Paula Deen?? Typical man... you dumb-azz putz‼"

So, I can sue her for talkin' to me that way... correct??
Maybe for profiling?? Sexual harassment?? Slander?? How 'bout for just being mean?? :laughing:

Can you imaging the backlash from some on this board if I called her a "typical woman... dumb-azz blond" in one of my posts?? But I can promise you if she joined and called me a "typical man... dumb-azz putz" in one of her posts, those same people would nod their heads in agreement. Heck, they'd even extend sympathy to her for her plight...