High Performance

And that right there is the double standard of the decade. There can be one protected class but not others. Why is that. You were dead on in your comeback too."What‼??‼ You just told a Scandinavian and a Polish joke, and I'm racist but you're not??" He actually tried tellin' me that it was not the same thing. When I started laughin', he walked away pizzed-off. My brother-in-law looks at me and says with a grin, "He must be German."
True damn story...
This here is a true story...
Wednesday evening I stopped at the bowling ally to wish my brother-in-law a merry Christmas (he owns it). I'm standing at the bar with a glass of beer talkin' with this guy (from out'a town, visiting friends over the holiday) next to me. We're gettin' along pretty good, laughin' a bit, and he tells me a couple pretty funny jokes... one is a Scandinavian joke (Ole and Lena), the other is a ******* joke.
Now get this...
The first joke stereotypes Scandinavian people and, as is typical of Ole and Lena jokes, stereotypes the man as a putz. The second joke stereotypes the Polish people as plain *******. Neither joke is in any way "flattering" of the subjects... quite the opposite.
So I tell him a pretty funny stereotypical black joke, (by-the-way, a black friend told it to me)... this guy gets a funny look on his face, and accuses me of being racist‼ I said, "What‼??‼ You just told a Scandinavian and a Polish joke, and I'm racist but you're not??" He actually tried tellin' me that it was not the same thing. When I started laughin', he walked away pizzed-off. My brother-in-law looks at me and says with a grin, "He must be German."
True damn story...
So I just gotta' ask...
Who's stereotyping?? Who's being insulting?? Who's being inappropriate?? Who's being obnoxious?? Who's acting like they're 12?? And just exactly who needs to grow the hell up??
Well it doesn't have the correct number of syllables for a haiku and I'm too lazy at the moment to look up an incantationWas that a haiku??????.............
.....or an incantation?????????
Left coasters don't have much of a sense of humor I guess.Just checked back at this thread.What happened to all the holiday cheer? Can it go back to the 70's jokes?
Decades...And that right there is the double standard of the decade. There can be one protected class but not others. Why is that.
I hate to tell ya' this slowp, but the above, along with the added picture... is makin' pretty close to a "major production" out'a it....we can operate our woodstoves successfully without making a major production of it. Oh my, this fire was sooooooo hard to get going....NOT.
Yes decades. But in this decade you can lose everything for saying a bad word ie Paula Deen. So many PC police out there looking for ways to be offended.Decades...
Why?? Because "we the people" have allowed it. It ain't about being fair, or sensitive, or understanding, or anything like that... it's about being politically correct.
Except, that is, for the people who champion and drive the correctness agenda... for them it's all about the money.
Sad really...
And you're correct about the pendulum... the people who started it swinging in one direction ain't smart enough to see they need to get out'a the way of the return swing.
That she said 30 yrs ago.Yes decades. But in this decade you can lose everything for saying a bad word ie Paula Deen. So many PC police out there looking for ways to be offended.
She actually annoys me. But didn't deserve the wrath she received.Who's Paula Deen??
Never mind... I just Googled her.