Not really. Just bein thural (spelling incorrect, word means complete, fully)
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
Dude, keep a dictionary by yur mouse, eh?
The words you type go into the archives of AS.
Originally posted by Lumberjack
When you pull, it pulls at the top, not where you tied it.
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
Thats where the whole arguement comes into play. I'm from the school that believes there is more overall leverage applied if the rope runs through the top, down the back, and tied at the base.
It DOESN'T just pull at the top. The leverage of the pulling power is spread/distributed down the length of the trunk.
This is especially important when rigging a hazard tree.
There are those who would disagree with me about this.
Originally posted by Lumberjack
One vector pushes down, and the other pulls horizonaly.
Originally posted by Mike Maas
This is hands down the worst thread yet on Arboristsite!
I'm proud to be part of it.
Originally posted by tony marks
theres a bit more to this fellas story....
hes not fella thats ever worked regular
except hes got a thing about building barns .. so thats what he does for people. he builds out of scavenged trees [not stolen ]just what people dont want.
he dont mind asking anybody ,,and the truth is i kinda got him figured for stealing my 028 several yrs ago.. so i keep him away from here. but hes unique to say the least.
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
Well... uh... you're freaking knuts. But I mean that in a good way.
Uh, vector?
I gar-on-tea you the energy of the 'horizontal' pull adds extra strength to the overall pull.
But there are those who disagree with me.