Whew! I stirred up a hornets nest! To answer a few questions:
I'm applying with the BLM right now, entry level, low pay, 6 month gig, but experience
West I'd like to do, but I gotta make a little cake first here. Can't leave the squaw and pups completely in the cold while I go seek my fortune

Then again, I am NE mainah through and through, so it'll be tough to leave.
Owl, I definitely appreciate the comments, and agree. If I start railing against outrageous fortune instead of getting up and doing something I'll be screwed for sure, and I like to think I can do what I choose (for the time being) in this country.
I'd prefer to cut wood with my brains and a saw, but around here "falling" isn't usually it's own category, you just log and do whatever ya gotta do to get wood to market. Lots of paper companies do the bulk of the logging on large scale. If I'm in the woods, I'm happy, and I'd rather cut than be a Warden. Those dudes get shot a lot, and otherwise just sit on their rumps (northwoods law is pretty much BS)
I have also made some contacts on here in the residential field who are in my neck of the woods (goodfellers, great guy) who have offered some help.
Either way, you guys are cool.
OH! PS! My father in law has been dropping trees for a coons age, and he has about 2 acres he wants cleared of a good mix of pines/oak/maple/scrub which we should be tackling together in the spring (not for money, why do it in the cold?), and my old man's neighbor wants to clear about 3 come spring as well. So I'll at least get to go play, and most of the wood will be mine! Nothing gigundus, but a few 20" plus that'll give me a chance to test you guys' hair brained theories! Anywho, I'll get to take some pics and play logger for a while, should be fun. I'll pt em up for you experts to critique (probably in a thread for noob wannabes though. This thread has dudes dropping redwoods. I know when I'm out of my weight class
