Falling pics 11/25/09

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Sliver, that is exactly what I am talking about. All the new guys are so "sensitive" that you can't even look at the cross eyed, or some of them will actually break down. What the heck is that. When did feelings become part of the work day. One of the first things I tell anyone new, if you got feelers, leave them at home, they got no place here.

I just want someone who is willing to play around with a bit now and then. It's such a rare thing now days, someone like that coming around is like hitting a gold mine. I grew up with that stuff, at a level that would be deemed illegal these days. What the heck happened to this world. What's wrong with dipping a stick in a fresh crap pile and then depositing a bit of said pile at the very end of the fingers of a guys pair of gloves? If it got to that level, what happened to good fun like that?

Can you imagine if you pulled that guys line about the whorehouse, on one of today's kids, my gawd in today's world you'd be down the road, especially if the wrong person on the job got wind of it.

It's a sorely missed thing. Now the only people who want to be like this are people who have no idea about it. They just want to fit in somehow, it's not them( and it's easy to tell ) but they do it anyway. It's not the same as someone who has it deep down, it's gift, either you got it, or you limp along trying to convincingly pretend that you do.

Where are the gifted of today's youth? Heck where did the gifted go that were/are still out there, they all clammed up.

Just reading that horrible, nasty post made me all verklempt, and inhibited the spiritual development of my inner child. Exposing people to poop germs is bad enough, but have you thought about the harm you may have done to the delicate ego structure and self worth of your co-workers? I think it is high time sensitivity training became mandatory at all logging companies.....
I have a name for those that can dish the b.s. pretty heavy: The Chosen Few. The guys I grew up with in the U.P. where all masters of this sort of degradation. It's the funniest sort of humor possible in my opinion. I very very rarely ever find someone who "gets it". I find myself biting my tongue most of the time around folks. Tongue gets sore. Maybe that's why I prefer to work alone?
Note the term used, degradation. Some folks grew up with having to hear BS from a young age and shouldn't have to take it anymore. I was going to quit a job because I just couldn't handle it anymore, and luckily a transfer I put in for came through. Think boot camp with a mean horrible drill sergeant for years instead of weeks. That's my take. Sensitive? or just sick and tired of it? The line is blurry so it's best for the harassers to be careful.
There is a difference between harassment and testing someone's mettle, the distinction has gotten blurred and in many cases, completely lost.
Younger persons have been subjected to "sensitivity" indoctrination and are trained to be offended at almost anything. Old school banter is no longer recognized for what it is.

Some of you puppies get to the rigging, you are making nothing but shade standing around.
I think it is high time sensitivity training became mandatory at all logging companies.....

I was sent to sensitivity training a few years ago. I was required to attend. A female Hispanic truck driver that was hauling for us took offense when the other truck drivers refused to tarp a load of lumber for her. She didn't want to tarp her own load because she'd just had her fingernails done. She complained to me because I was unlucky enough to be in the office that day. I told her to either do her job or go home and that pretty fingernails were no excuse for shirking her responsibilities. She got mad. She yelled. She cussed. She refused. She went home. On the way she stopped by the HR department and filed a grievance against me and against all the truck drivers who refused to do her job for her. Did I mention that two of the other truck drivers that refused to do the other one's job were also female.?
We all got sent to sensitivity training. Eight hours of lectures and videos and touchy-feely role playing. We all got through it without throwing up but sometimes it was close.
Two weeks later that same driver ran a couple of cars off the road with her truck, was stopped by the CHP for erratic driving and leaving the scene of an accident, failed the roadside sobriety test, assaulted the CHP officer who stopped her, had to to be tazed, and was taken to jail in full hand and foot restraints. When the company refused to post bail for her she threatened to sue them.
She was then fired. Who says there is no God?
There is a difference between harassment and testing someone's mettle, the distinction has gotten blurred and in many cases, completely lost.
Younger persons have been subjected to "sensitivity" indoctrination and are trained to be offended at almost anything. Old school banter is no longer recognized for what it is.

Some of you puppies get to the rigging, you are making nothing but shade standing around.

Remember a couple of weeks ago when you and I commented on a picture of a horribly cut tree in Big Trees in the Pictures forum? We made some rather graphic but accurate statements about the falling technique. The OP pulled the picture.
We were then taken to task by another member for being insensitive louts and that nobody would ever be willing to post any pictures for fear of being ridiculed.
The OP wasn't asking for advice and was obviously proud of his effort. He shouldn't have been.
I've thought long and hard about what we said. If I had to do it all over again I'd do it exactly the same way.
Note the term used, degradation. Some folks grew up with having to hear BS from a young age and shouldn't have to take it anymore. I was going to quit a job because I just couldn't handle it anymore, and luckily a transfer I put in for came through. Think boot camp with a mean horrible drill sergeant for years instead of weeks. That's my take. Sensitive? or just sick and tired of it? The line is blurry so it's best for the harassers to be careful.

You're right, the line is blurry. I've found that not cutting anybody special slack because of who or what they are is a good policy. If I hire a faller or a Cat skinner or a truck driver I don't care if they're male, female, black, brown, red, yellow or purple polka dotted. I don't care if they're straight, gay, crippled, socially disadvantaged, short, tall, heavy, thin, religious, agnostic, atheist, Republican, Democrat, or undecided.

I don't discriminate for any of the above listed things. By the same token, I don't give them special consideration either. All I care about is how well they can do the job they were hired for.
well, i hope Jon took my post above for what it was......BS. that is what we call it really. yes ms. P is right and that is why i am carefull with folks i don't know.
maybe our occupation has more of this than others? or maybe guys like me that worked around older guys just can't understand the younguns......i think Randy nailed it really.
well, i hope Jon took my post above for what it was......BS. that is what we call it really. yes ms. P is right and that is why i am carefull with folks i don't know.
maybe our occupation has more of this than others? or maybe guys like me that worked around older guys just can't understand the younguns......i think Randy nailed it really.
Y'all probably don't understand, 'cause I'm pretty serious on the internet, but BS was actually my native tongue. And Handsome Mike (young 'un), I humbly submit that I can take it as well as I can dish it out. I am constantly getting myself in trouble while speaking to the sarcastically challenged. Have in fact had my ass fired once for "not being serious"
There is a difference between this and spiteful meanness. You have to be good enough to read the other party. When you hit a button you have to know if it's time to stop, or get up high and pour it on. That depends on the person and sometimes even the day. Good banter doesn't cross the line, and EVERYBODY has a limit, it will shift now and then. With new people I have to throw out a test or two, with young people I throw out very weak tests. Now if it comes to light that I don't care for someone, I usually get real quiet around them, unless, they start lippin up. Sometimes just standing up to the meanies is what's needed, you have to judge the amount of stand up though, even if it costs you your job. I would rather be fired than quit over being berated by anyone.

Bob, yes. If you can do your job I don't care who or what you are. If you can't or won't, get out. If you don't prepare, it will increasingly grow in intensity, until the line is found, then it stays half a notch below the line. If you won't do your job and you can, that is a whole different animals, all bets are off and the games will begin. If I have to do your work as well as mine, you'll know with out a doubt that I am not happy about it. The only slack that is cut is to a body who has proven themselves worthy of that slack, and it rare that it will be needed.

Also if you throw it you better be more than able to take twice what you give, And be willing to stand behind what you spout off with when you say it to the wrong person. Ya gotta be able and willing to take your lumps. Don't slink away like a thief in the night when it goes bad, no matter what direction it goes.

Husky, poop germs is the upper end of mid way on the levels, things can and have gotten much more interesting. Just remember it only takes one phenomenal idea to top the best you have, then you put that in your banks for some later time. I will say I am happy, so far I have not been the guy who had a surprise in his gloves. If the day comes I will grind my teeth and take it, I won't enjoy that anymore than anyone I have given or seen it given too.

Remember a couple of weeks ago when you and I commented on a picture of a horribly cut tree in Big Trees in the Pictures forum? We made some rather graphic but accurate statements about the falling technique. The OP pulled the picture.
We were then taken to task by another member for being insensitive louts and that nobody would ever be willing to post any pictures for fear of being ridiculed.
The OP wasn't asking for advice and was obviously proud of his effort. He shouldn't have been.
I've thought long and hard about what we said. If I had to do it all over again I'd do it exactly the same way.
Where was I for that one? I love that kind of stuff.
Current day job (not fired yet...) most all of them are sarcasticelly chalanged, so I come of as an ******* most days, I'm OK with that though...

Had a guy at a former job that would dish the **** all day, greasing handles, stealing/hiding tools, but the second you did something to him his chest would puff up his bottom lip would curl over the bottom teeth and and he'd start pushing you around with his belly... ******* hilarious... until you realized the dump son of a bitch really did want to kick yer ass then it was too funny to hold a straight face... he'd cry and complain to the boss who would tell him to clean his girl shorts out and get back to work...

Kinda miss that job....
OK, what I want to know is where do they teach that? I didn't say anything then, but I can't see where there is ANY advantage to a sloping back cut?

I've slashed off little stuff with a sloping single cut, but only when it's small enough for me to push over if it tries to fall the other way, 3" to 6" or so.

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