Sooo..... Why would he post this if he didn't want anyone to try it? Doesn't make sense.
I think there becomes a point where fear and over-analyzing a situation just plain cuts into productivity too much. You can be safe and efficient at the same time. There is not much value in my mind to be over-safe. There is risk in timber cutting period.
The other day we had a little mud on the road. slight outward slope; and the trucks went through it. We have a new driver and he went through the spot with his door open in case he had to bail. But, at the same time, they never put chains on, too lazy in their own words. There is a difference between doing wierd things because of fear and doing things wisely. In the long run the wise will save you time. One of the trucks we had to hook the cat and the skidder to and pull him out. 45 minutes of non productivity for us because they didn't want to chain up. They would have pulled through fine with 1 set I bet.
Some times it feels like to me that there are people out there who over prepare for things too much, I don't drive around with a spare rebuilt engine and a hoist in my pick-up in case I have engine problems. That tree I would just be a little lighter on my toes (maybe... doesn't look that bad) and have an escape route. There's nothing around it I could be 20 feet from that thing at the first sign of a split.
That said, I wont try it, cause its too much cutting for not enough safety value. A triangle (coos?) or "T" or simple bore and cut the trigger is what I use and has worked fine for me. I don't want to have to buck every butt after that cut. Besides, in my experience, most trees that I have chaired have to do with the face, (either not cleaned out, or too narrow) not the back-cut.
Boy, all that was almost a rant... sorry.
Maybe I missed the whole point but thats what it stirred up in me.